
Solidity smart contracts

Primary LanguageSolidity


notes and links for solidity

Truffle setup

npm install truffle -g
mkdir MyContract && cd MyContract
truffle init . 
truffle create contract MyContract
truffle create test MyContract

create a one new or edit default migration file after adding a contract.

Truffle testing

truffle compile 
truffle test
truffle develop
truffle(develop)> migrate 
truffle(develop)> migrate --reset # for redeployment 

# load contract instance and interact with contract 
truffle(develop)> let instance = await MyContract.deployed()
# call function with args 
truffle(develop)> instance.myPublicFunction(args) 
# call from other accounts
truffle(develop)> instance.myPublicFunction({from: accounts[2]})
# call payable functions
truffle(develop)> instance.myPublicFunction({value: web3.utils.toWei("1", "ether")}) 


Functions visibility

  • Private - can only be called from inside smart contract
  • Internal - can only be called from inside smart contract and inherited contracts
  • External - can only be called from outside smart contract -- [inherited contracts -> TBA]
  • Public - can be called from anywhere
function myFunction() <visibility specifier> returns (bool) {
    return true;

Functions state mutability

  • View - RO, can only reads from chain
  • Pure - doesn’t interact with chain,
  • Payable - [TBA]
function myFunction() public view returns (bool) {
    return true;

Functions modifiers

Adds conditions to execute before, after or while executing a function.

// verifies caller before executing functions 
modifier onlyOwner {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function.");
// verifies result after function has computed value
modifier validateResult(uint computedValue) {
    require(computedValue == PI, "Invalid Result");

function myFunction() public onlyOwner validateResult(value) view returns (bool) {
    return true;

Special Functions


  • Optional
  • Executes on contract creation

Init function

For clones, proxies or libraries an init function is defined instead of a constructor. Should be used generally with a single init or reentrant guard.

Fallback function

  • Nameless function
  • Called when other contracts call wrong function name
  • Called when eth is transferred to this contract
  • Can only be defined once per contract
  • Must be external / public

Global variables

Generally language keywords can be described in three categories

  1. tx
  2. Msg
  3. Block

tx.origin vs msg.sender

  1. Alice calls Smart Contract A => {tx.origin: Alice, msg.sender: Alice}
  2. Smart Contract A calls Smart Contract B => {tx.origin: Alice, msg.sender: Smart Contract A}