An application that is based of the series Fate that includes a survey for the user to answer. The answers are compared with a list of characters and returns the character that has the closest compatibility score with the user!
Click here to visit deployed site.
You will be directed to the home page. Click on the go to survey button to start.
There will be a input box to ask for the user's name and 10 questions to fill out. When you finish inputing all needed info in, press submit and a modal will pop up with your character!
To develop this app on your machine, clone this repo and install dependencies:
git clone
cd characterQuiz
npm install
Make your changes and push to a new branch:
git checkout -b <your new branch>
git add <your modified files>
git commit -m "Your message here"
git push origin <your new branch>
If you encounter any bugs or have any ideas for future development, submit an issue on GitHub here.