A meta-extension bundling vscode plugins for Smart Contract Auditors & Developres. This is basically my vscode auditing setup.
- juanblanco.solidity - Solidity language support and more!
- tintinweb.solidity-visual-auditor - Security centric syntax and semantic highlighting, a detailed class outline and advanced Solidity code insights for Solidity developers and auditors.
- tintinweb.solidity-metrics - Create fancy solidity code metrics reports.
- tintinweb.vscode-solidity-flattener - Flatten Solidity contracts from truffle projects from within vscode (context menu for solidity files in the vscode file explorer).
- tintinweb.vscode-vyper - Ethereum Vyper Language Support and Visual Auditor
- tintinweb.vscode-LLL - Ethereum LLL Language Support
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker - Spellcheck your code.
- gimenete.github-linker - Right-Click and copy a github link of the selected code fragment to clipboard.
- ryu1kn.partial-diff - Create partial diffs of selected text in the vscode text editor.
- tintinweb.vscode-inline-bookmarks - Easily add customizable inline bookmarks based on trigger words. Perfect for code audits or to keep track of notes and todo's.
- eamodio.gitlens - Git support. Especially useful when reviewing diffs.
Cool, you've come this far therefore I expect you're genuinely interested in either the individual extensions or you just installed the one-click bundle :) Either way, you're welcome!
Here's a quick walk-through and some tweaks on how to get the best out of vscode and the extensions.
Note: json settings shown below are meant to be merged into your config.
How do I un/install extensionbs?
AppMenu -> Preferences -> Extensions
How do I access vscode and extension settings?
AppMenu -> Preferences -> Settings
How do I disable telemetry in vscode?
- Open settings.json (via vscode settings)
- Add this to
"telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
"telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
Make vscode auto-save files automatically after a delay
- It can be annoying that you are editing a file and always have to manually save it for it to be synced to the file-system. The following auto-saves files after a delay automatically.
- Add this to
"files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
- And disable confirmation when deleting
"explorer.confirmDelete": false,
How do I extend the terminal scrollback cache?
Some tools may produce a large amount of output lines and it can be annoying that the integrated terminal's scrollback is very limited.
Add this to
"terminal.integrated.scrollback": 6000,
Selection Highlighting
- Grey selection highlight
- Orange selection border for other occurences of the selection in the editor (nice for comparison)
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editor.selectionBackground": "#977f5746",
"editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#cf9b4d28",
Make vscode diff editor ignore whitespaces by default
- we don't care too much about whitespaces right now :D
Disable the auto-linting
- Add this to
"solidity.enabledSolium": false,
"solidity.linter": "",
- Gitlens code-lenses can be annoying (inline code actions). Thankfully they can be disabled (together with telemetry. data privacy ftw). We also enable git commit fetching for the git extension:
"gitlens.codeLens.enabled": false,
"gitlens.advanced.telemetry.enabled": false,
"git.autofetch": true,
- Indent-Rainbow
- Bookmarks
- Git Graph
- ES Lint
- XML Tools
- Material Icon Theme
- Markdown All in One
- You can uninstall individual extensions at any point.
- Uninstalling the extension pack will uninstall all the referenced extensions.
♥ Thanks to the awesome Ethereum community for building all these extensions, you rock!