Metatags support for the AngularUI Router
Heavily inspired by tf-metatags and angular-ui-router-title.
Google updated they crawler to execute javascript, so if you use this component then your pages will be indexed by google. However, other crawlers - search engines or social services like facebook - still need to see the page after being rendered by javascript. Therefor it is still recommended to use a service like
$ npm install ui-router-metatags
$ bower install ui-router-metatags
See the sample app for a complete example, otherwise, read below
Include the script in your index file
<script src="node_modules/ui-router-metatags/dist/ui-router-metatags.min.js"></script>
Include it in your module declaration and in your run block
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.router', 'ui.router.metatags']);
function runBlock($rootScope, MetaTags) {
$rootScope.MetaTags = MetaTags;
.run(['$rootScope', 'MetaTags', runBlock]);
Add the tags to your index file
<title ng-bind="MetaTags.title">Default title</title>
<meta name="description" content="{{MetaTags.description}}">
<meta name="keywords" content="{{MetaTags.keywords}}">
<meta ng-repeat="(key, value) in" property="{{key}}" content="{{value}}" >
<meta name="prerender-status-code" content="{{MetaTags.prerender.statusCode}}">
<meta name="prerender-header" ng-if="MetaTags.prerender.header" content="{{MetaTags.prerender.header}}">
Then configure defaults
function configure(UIRouterMetatagsProvider) {
.setTitlePrefix('prefix - ')
.setTitleSuffix(' | MyApp')
'fb:app_id': 'your fb app id',
'og:site_name': 'your site name'
.config(['UIRouterMetatagsProvider', configure]);
(Static properties are added to all pages and the "setOGURL" method ensures that a 'og:url' property is added to all pages.)
And finally decorate the routes with metatags in the route configs like so:
function configureRoutes($stateProvider) {
.state('frontpage', {
url: '/',
metaTags: {
title: 'Frontpage',
description: 'This is the frontpage',
keywords: 'lots of interresting keywords',
properties: {
'og:title': 'Frontpage'
.state('blogposts', {
url: '/blog/:category',
resolve: {
/* @ngInject */
posts: function(myService, $stateParams) {
return myService.getPosts($stateParams.category);
metaTags: {
prerender: {
/* @ngInject */
statusCode: function(posts) {
return posts.length > 0 ? 200 : 302;
/* @ngInject */
header: function(posts) {
return posts.length > 0 ? null : 'Location:';
.state('blogpost', {
url: '/post/:id',
resolve: {
/* @ngInject */
blogpost: function(myService, $stateParams) {
return myService.getPost($;
metaTags: {
/* @ngInject */
title: function(blogpost) {
return blogpost.title;
description: 'The most interresting post {{blogpost.title}}'
.config(['$stateProvider', configureRoutes]);
Note that all tags can be either a simple string, a resolve function or a interpolated string (where the properties available are the ones you resolve in your route).
Please note that any routes without metatags will cause a debug log statement, so remember to disable debug logging in production. Example of such a log statement:
MetaTags - route: "app.dashboard" does not contain any metatags
Install nodejs and the following packages globally:
- gulp
- typings
then run:
- npm install
- typings install
Then finally, run "gulp"