Traxx is a collection of applications for managing and accessing a music collection. It consists of the following components:
- Traxx-web - a web-based client for MPD, that uses an external database (p.e. in MySQL) for keeping song information.
- Traxx-indexd - a daemon for keeping the music database up to date
- Some tools and libraries to support Traxx-web and traxx-indexd.
All tools are written in Python (developed and tested with 2.7). At this point, Traxx only supports mp3 files and only looks at ID3 tags.
Traxx has only been developed and tested with MySQL. However, since SQLAlchemy is used for all database access, it should be easy to port to other databases, like PostgreSQL. To my knowledge, Traxx-web and Traxx-indexd do not use any database-specific statements, except perhaps for ''.
Traxx-web is a web-based MPD-client. It was inspired by Zina, but has some different goals and some different design fundamentals. Traxx lacks many of Zina's features, and some day it may catch up, but for now, it does the following:
- Let you browse the library; display (sub)directories and songs separately
- Search the database, incrementally display the results (no button click required)
- Manage the MPD playlist: add/remove/move songs, clear/cleanup playlist
- Manage MPD: play, pause, stop, skip
- Download and stream songs to your client for local playback
- Display song information (selected attributes from the database)
- Transparently manage MPD's internal music database
- Add external streams from a pre-configured set to the MPD playlist
- Disable/enable MPD outputs
- Responsive design, works great on desktop and tablet browsers, maybe even on smartphones
A screenshot:
Traxx is based on the following principal ideas:
- The external database (for example, in MySQL) is the only source of information about the music collection.
- Database maintenance can/should be done with 'traxx-indexd'. The web application does not access your music collection directly, except for finding folder.jpg images.
- When a song is added to the playlist, it is transparently added to MPD's internal database, by creating a symbolic link to the song in MPD's music directory.
- All text-data is encoded in unicode/UTF-8.
Traxx-web is written in Python (developed and tested with 2.7), using the Flask microframework. At the front, it usesi Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery. The interface makes heavy use of AJAX, but at the same time maintains the ability to bookmark the content you are viewing and use the back and forward buttons of your browser to navigate.
The prerequisites for using this software are:
- A working MPD server, not necessarily on the same host (Debian: mpd)
- Optional: a webserver capable of serving WSGI applications
- Flask (>= 0.9, untested with 0.8) and its dependencies (like Werkzeug & Jinja2)
- Python-mpd v0.3, the MPD client library for Python (Debian: python-mpd)
- SQLAlchemy (>= 0.7) (Debian: python-sqlalchemy)
Other third-party components are shipped with the application:
- Twitter Bootstrap v2.3.0
- jQuery v1.9.1
- jQuery PJAX for HTML5 pushState handling
- Bootstrapx Clickover, Bootstrap extension for click managed popovers
Traxx-indexd is a daemon for keeping the music database up to date. It basically does two things:
- do an initial full recursive scan of the root directory, adding all the mp3 files it finds to the database
- after the full scan, it monitors the root directory with inotify for changes and updates the database accordingly
It uses several external Python modules:
- sqlalchemy for database access
- mutagen for reading ID3 tags and other music properties
- daemon for daemonizing itself into the background
- pyinotify for monitoring the music library
- argparse for parsing command line arguments (external to Python < 2.7)
- mp3hash (see below) for creating ID3-independent hashes of mp3 files
Here's how it's used:
usage: traxx-indexd [-h] [-D] [-f] [-c] [-m] [-H <hostname>] [-u <username>]
[-p <password>] [-n <database>] [-l <file>] [--loglevel <level>]
Traxx Music Indexing Daemon
positional arguments:
rootdir the directory to index and monitor
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-D, --daemonize run traxx-indexd in the background (default: False)
-f, --full do a full directory scan at startup (default: False)
-c, --clean after full scan, clean up unseen files from database (slow). This option does not
do anything if -f is not specified. (default: False)
-m, --md5 write MD5 checksum to ID3 (default: False)
-H <hostname>, --dbhost <hostname> database server (default: localhost)
-u <username>, --dbuser <username> database user (default: traxx)
-p <password>, --dbpass <password> database password (default: None)
-n <database>, --dbname <database> database name (default: traxx)
-l <file>, --logfile <file> logfile (default: /tmp/traxx-indexd.log)
--loglevel <level> loglevel, valid levels are <debug|info|warning|error|critical> (default: info)
For security, the database password can also be given by setting it in the DBPASS environment variable. The --dbpass
option takes precendence over the environment variable.
Create a MySQL database. The default name is 'traxx', but you can name it anything you want.
Add the songtable to the database, from the provided SQL file.
mysql -u <user> traxx < traxx-mysql.sql
If your mp3 collection is large, perform an initial scan in the foreground. This may take a while. Add '-n <dbname>' if your database is not called 'traxx'.
DBPASS=<yourpassword> traxx-indexd --full -u <user> </path/to/musicdir>
Now start
in the background to monitor you music collection and keep the database up to date.DBPASS=<yourpassword> traxx-indexd --daemonize -u <user> </path/to/musicdir>
Try adding files to your collection, moving files around or editing ID3 tags, and see your changes updated in your database within seconds.
If somehow, after some time, changes to your music library have not been processed by traxx-indexd, you may want to re-run the full scan.
To do a quick rescan, only adding newly found files and updating changed files before going back to monitoring your collection, combine the options above:
DBPASS=<yourpassword> traxx-indexd --full --daemonize -u <user> </path/to/musicdir>
To do a full scan + cleanup, which removes files from the database that are no longer found in your collection, run traxx-indexd with the '--clean' option:
DBPASS=<yourpassword> traxx-indexd --full --clean --daemonize -u <user> </path/to/musicdir>
It must be noted, that using '--clean' makes the initial full scan much slower. Without '--clean', files that have not been changed (based on file modification time), are just skipped, without any database access being necessary. With '--clean', all handled files will have their 'lastseen' value updated in the database, which takes some time. At the end of the scan, the value for 'lastseen' is used to identify and delete all files that were not encountered during the scan.
Install the prerequisites in a virtualenv
apt-get install python-virtualenv python-dev libmysqlclient-dev cd ~/www virtualenv venv cd venv source bin/activate pip install sqlalchemy mysql-python mutagen daemon pyinotify pip install flask python-mpd2 git clone
Start the server locally:
python traxx/web/traxx/
A small Python program / module for calculating a MD5 hash of an mp3 file. This hash can be used to identify a file by its musical content, i.e. any present ID3 tags will not influence the hash. This way, the hash can be used to detect duplicate songs, even when their tags are different. The calculated hash can optionally be stored inside the mp3 as a TXXX tag.
usage: [-h] [-s] filename
mp3hash - calculate a hash of an mp3, excluding any ID3 tags, optionally
storing the hash in an ID3 tag
positional arguments:
filename the file to calculate a hash for
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --store store the calculted hash in the ID3 tag (default: False)
It can also be used as a module from another python program:
import mp3hash
h = mp3hash.mp3hash ()
md5 = h.mp3hash (filename)[0]
Known limitation: it cannot create a new ID3 tag, so saving the MD5 hash to a file that doesn't already have a tag will fail.
Mp3hash_all uses to recursively tag all mp3s in a directory tree.
usage: mp3hash_all [-h] directory
mp3hash_all - recursively traverse a directory, hashing all found mp3s and
store the hash in the ID3 tag of the file
positional arguments:
directory the directory to scan for mp3s
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
All software in this project is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0. A copy of the license can be found in the 'COPYING' file and on the web [1].