
Course project for Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data course.

Primary LanguageR


Course project for Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data course

Download getdata-projectfiles-UCI HAR Dataset.zip file with data from the accelerometers of the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. Extract it directly into your R working directory. You should see UCI HAR Dataset directory now.

Run the script. It will group measurements by subject (1 to 30) and activity (walking, walking_upstairs, walking_downstairs, sitting, standing and lying), pick values with "mean()" and "std()" in their names and calculate average for each group. Then it will write the result to a file tidy_data.txt in UCI HAR Dataset directory. Read CodeBook file for the details of output file format.

Read script comments to learn how to modify the script to include more values (with "Mean" in their names).