Spatial Join in AsterixDB

New patch that adds rewritten rule for spatial join

Please download the path here

Create sample datasets for join queries

  • Please make sure that you have a running instance of AsterixDB

  • First, download the following ADM files as the input datasets for our tests: park_small.adm, lake_small.adm, park.adm, lake.adm

  • Second, run the following query to add the input datasets (park_small, lake_small) to the dataverse. You must replace the path "*.adm" to the correct directory where you saved the files above.

USE test;

-- Make Park type
CREATE TYPE ParkType as closed {
    id: int32,
    geom: rectangle

-- Make Lake type
CREATE TYPE LakeType as closed {
    id: int32,
    geom: rectangle

-- Make Park dataset 
CREATE DATASET ParkSet (ParkType) primary key id;
LOAD DATASET ParkSet USING localfs (("path"=""),("format"="adm"));

-- Make Lake dataset 
CREATE DATASET LakeSet (LakeType) primary key id;
LOAD DATASET LakeSet USING localfs (("path"=""),("format"="adm"));

Run the spatial join query

USE test;

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ParkSet AS ps, LakeSet AS ls
WHERE spatial_intersect(ps.geom, ls.geom);


  • Currently, I disabled the join conditions in SpatialJoinRule after unnesting, just to make sure that the lost data cause by unnesting process.
  • You can add these conditions back as follows:
        // Compute reference tile ID
        ScalarFunctionCallExpression referenceTileId = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(BuiltinFunctions.getBuiltinFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.REFERENCE_TILE),
                new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(leftInputVar)),
                new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(rightInputVar)),
                new MutableObject<>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(
                        new ARectangle(new APoint(MIN_X, MIN_Y), new APoint(MAX_X, MAX_Y))))),
                new MutableObject<>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64(NUM_ROWS)))),
                new MutableObject<>(
                        new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt64(NUM_COLUMNS)))));

        // Update the join conditions with the tile Id equality condition
        ScalarFunctionCallExpression tileIdEquiJoinCondition =
                new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(BuiltinFunctions.getBuiltinFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.EQ),
                        new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(leftTileIdVar)),
                        new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(rightTileIdVar)));
        ScalarFunctionCallExpression referenceIdEquiJoinCondition =
                new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(BuiltinFunctions.getBuiltinFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.EQ),
                        new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(leftTileIdVar)),
                        new MutableObject<>(referenceTileId));
        ScalarFunctionCallExpression spatialJoinCondition = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(
                new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(leftInputVar)),
                new MutableObject<>(new VariableReferenceExpression(rightInputVar)));
        ScalarFunctionCallExpression updatedJoinCondition =
                new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(BuiltinFunctions.getBuiltinFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.AND),
                        new MutableObject<>(tileIdEquiJoinCondition),
                        new MutableObject<>(referenceIdEquiJoinCondition),
                        new MutableObject<>(spatialJoinCondition)