
My personal work in CS-MRI

Primary LanguagePython


This is the offical code for the paper Cascaded Dilated Dense Network with Two-step Data Consistency for MRI Reconstruction published in NeruIPS 2019.

Here is the Link.


  • Python==3.6.5
  • numpy==1.14.3
  • opencv-python==
  • scipy==1.1.0
  • pytorch==1.0.1.post2
  • matplotlib==2.2.2

How to Train

  1. Prepare data.
  2. Create an Initialization File in config/, named like CONFIGNAME.ini. You can also make a copy of default.ini and edit it.
  3. run python main.py CONFIGNAME. Notice that config/ and .ini will be added automatically.

More details can be found below.

Prepare Data

The original data is established from the work Alexander et al. Details can be found in the paper. You can download the original data from Here.

We convert the data into .png format. The png-format can be found from Here, and the convert code is Here.

It seems that the convert code will generate different result with current png data. Sorry but I have no idea. Just use converted data if you have no idea as well.

Although there are 4480 frames, we only use 3300 frames(100 frames/patient). Preparing for training, you should:

  1. Download the png-format data.
  2. Put the data in ./data/cardiac_ktz/.

In our training process, we pre-generate a quantity of random sampling masks in the mask/, named like mask_rAMOUT_SAMPLINGRATE.mat. These masks will be applied in the constructor of dataset.

How to Conifg


  1. NetType: The network for MRI reconstruction. All the options can be found in the function getNet. CN_dOri_c5_complex_tr_trick2 is the proposed method.
  2. UseCuda: use True for cuda
  3. NeedParallel: use True if you want to train with multi gpu devices. We recommend to choose True even if only one devices is available.
  4. Device: 1 for use and 0 for not. E.g., you want to use the 2nd and the 3rd gpu devices , you should write 0110 here. (more or less devices is acceptable)
  5. LossType: The loss function. mse or mae. (Actually we found no difference in this work)
  6. DataType: The part is implemented by "Keyword detection". Check the function getDataloader for details. 1in1_complex_random is the default choice in the paper.
  7. CrossValid: It is only used for cross-valid. Fill in a integer in [0, 10]. Notice it is not available for fastMRI dataset.
  8. Mode: Abandoned. Only inNetDC is acceptable here.
  9. Path: The saving path for the record and the trained weights.


  1. BatchSize: Batch-size.
  2. LearningRate: Learning rate.
  3. Epoch: Epoch. What am I doing.
  4. Optimizer: Check getOptimizer.
  5. WeightDecay: It only work if you use Adam_wd in Optimizer above. Remember Adam_DC_DCNN and Adam_RDN will use the pre-defined weight decay.


  1. SaveEpoch: The result will be logged and saved per SaveEpoch epoches.
  2. MaxSaved: Only last MaxSaved weights will be reversed. Earlier ones will be removed automatically.


Actucally, we implemented this part long time ago for training with trained record but never use it. So we DON'T promise it can work now.

Use the function loadCkpt instead if you want to load the record. For example:

c1 = core.core('PATH_TO_RESULT/config.ini', True) # True for not loading training dataset.
c1.loadCkpt(1000, True) # True for checked weight.

Notice: FastMRI result didn't reached 1000 epoch as the network convergence within 300 epoch, so use c1.loadCkpt(300, False) instead if necessary.

Notice that the final result will be saved permanently with additional CHECKED_ prefix, so set True in the second parameter of loadCkpt().

How to Evaluate

  1. Donwload record folder from Here.
  2. Put the folder in result/ if necessary.
  3. use c = core.core('FOLDER/config.ini', True) to create a core instance with record configuration.
  4. use c.loadCkpt(1000, True) to load trained record.
  5. use result = c.validation() to evaluate trained model. (remember preparing the dataset at first)