
This repository contains neutral atom quantum gate simulations using Pulser.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Making Quantum gates using atomic systems

Physical realization of Quantum Computing is possible in many different systems like trapped-ion, superconducting circuits, photonic qubits, etc. In which trapped ion systems are one of the most promising one. They exhibit all properties necessary for building such a system and have very few fundamental limitations to the achievable gate fidelity.

Neutral atom qubits represent another promising approach. They share many features in common with trapped ion systems including long-lived encoding of quantum information in atomic hyperfine states and the possibility of manipulating and measuring the qubit state using resonant laser pulses. The availability of a strong long-range interaction that can be coherently turned on and off is an enabling resource for a wide range of quantum information tasks stretching far beyond the original gate proposal.

This project involves simulation of various pulse sequences for neutral atom C-NOT quantum gate and entanglement with and without noise, using Pulser an open-source Python software package. Different pulse sequences are being analyzed and compared.

Saffman M, Walker TG, Mølmer K. Quantum information with Rydberg atoms. Reviews of modern physics. 2010 Aug 18;82(3):2313.