
rustc 1.61.0 (fe5b13d68 2022-05-18) cargo 1.61.0 (a028ae4 2022-04-29)


  • all amounts and balances are positive
  • all amounts and balances fit in u64
  • disputes of deposits and withdrawals are handled the same way
  • client account is locked after a chargeback and no further transactions are applied to it



  • read transactions from an input csv file
  • apply deposits/withdraws/disputes/resolves/chargebacks to clients
  • output the list of all clients final state to stdout


  • unit tests for serialization/deserialization
  • unit tests for balance arithmetic
  • isolation of concern between modules (most of the logic is in Client#apply)


  • no negative amounts/balances, u64
  • arithmetic overflow results in a panic
  • duplicate disputes or resolves are silently ignored
  • quickcheck model tests for client properties


  • streaming processing
  • transaction amounts are stored by clients, for a long running process generational garbage collections would be cool
  • no concurrency implemented - a good fitting model would be a threadpool with tasks split by client id (so chronological order of client transactions is preserved without extra blocking)


  • yes