Multiverse Rover CLI

Command one or more rovers on Mars on a 2d map with string based commands.


Checkout repo and install globally with:

npm i -g

How to use

Run rover --help to get a run down of all commands available.

Command Arguments Description
map <m> <n> Set map size (m x n)
add <x> <y> <orientation> Spawn a new rover at (x, y, orientation). Orientation expects: N, E, S, or W
move <id> <command> Move your rover by id and commands: F moves forward one space, L rotates by 90 degrees left and R rotates by 90 degrees right. Example command: LFRFF
list List all rovers, lost or not
clear Clear map, rover, everything


rover map 4 8
=> map generated: 32
rover add 2 3 E
=> Rover id: 1 added. Currently at 2, 3 facing E
rover move 1 LFRFF
=> Rover 1 at (4, 4, E)