
A pytest plugin to report test results to tinybird

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A pytest plugin to report test results to Tinybird. At the end of every run, this plugin posts results using the Tinybird Events API.

PyPI version Passed Top test passed



pypi install package: https://pypi.org/project/pytest-tinybird/

You can install the plugin with the following bash command:

  $ pip install pytest-tinybird


You just need your Tinybird account and a Token with append permissions

Set these env variables:

export TINYBIRD_URL=<https://api.tinybird.co|https://api.us-east.tinybird.co>   # depends on your region
export TINYBIRD_DATASOURCE=<datasource_name>  # will be created with first results posted
export TINYBIRD_TOKEN=<token_with_append_permissions>

Then run pytest with --report-to-tinybird.

$ pytest tests --report-to-tinybird

CI execution info can also be set using some env variables. These are from GitLab:


If you are not using GitLab, you will need to set them manually. For instance, for GitHub actions you can check our current GitHub actions workflow.

Data Source details

The pytest-tinybird plugin creates and sends report objects via the Events API with this structure:

	'date': now,
	'commit': self.commit,
	'branch': self.branch,
	'job_id': self.job_id,
	'job_url': self.job_url,
	'job_name': self.job_name,
	'test_nodeid': test.nodeid,
	'test_name': test.head_line,
	'test_part': test.when,
	'duration': test.duration,
	'outcome': test.outcome

When a report object is first sent to Tinybird, a Data Source with the following definition and schema is created:

TOKEN "pytest-executor-write" APPEND

    `commit` String `json:$.commit`,
    `branch` String `json:$.branch`,
    `date` DateTime `json:$.date`,
    `duration` Float32 `json:$.duration`,
    `job_id` String `json:$.job_id`,
    `job_name` String `json:$.job_name`,
    `job_url` String `json:$.job_url`,
    `outcome` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.outcome`,
    `test_name` String `json:$.test_name`,
    `test_nodeid` String `json:$.test_nodeid`,
    `test_part` LowCardinality(String) `json:$.test_part`

ENGINE MergeTree

You can also see the Data Source schema with this data sample from an API Endpoint created from the Data Source the pytest-tinybird plugin populates.