
Verify JWT tokens provided by Google Firebase within ASP CORE

Primary LanguageC#


Verify JWT tokens provided by Google Firebase within ASP CORE

To run the app you need to:

  • Install .NET Core FROM HERE
  • Run: dotnet restore
  • Run: dotnet build
  • Run: dotnet run

The application should be available on http://localhost:5000.

Try making a request to http://localhost:5000/api/values. If no authentication header is provided, you should get a HTTP 401 error.

Get hold of a Google Firebase ID token (MORE HERE) and repeat the above call with the following header:

Authorization: Bearer <the_id_token>

The link above provides the details of this implementation (verifying ID Tokens using Google signing certificates).

If the authorization was sucessful, the response should be:



Out of the box, the Issuer and Audience validation has been disabled. To enable them make sure to:

  • Include a settings section in the appsettings.json file, called "JwtIssuerOptions":
	"JwtIssuerOptions": {
		"Issuer": "https://securetoken.google.com/my-awesome-app-name",
		"Audience": "my-awesome-app-name"
  • In Startup.cs set the following to true:
    • ValidateIssuer
    • ValidateAudience