Show assets locked on Tinylock
Call and process Algorand Blockchain data to get the latest Info about locked assets on Tinylock. Tinylock uses the AlgoExplorer API with default configuration. There is a call rate limiter included to not get past 10 calls per second.
npm i tinylock_web
If you build an angular application you will encounter a "crypto-browserify" polyfill problem by webpack. In order to fix this, you need to add the paths to those packages into your tsconfig.json
"paths": {
"crypto": ["./node_modules/crypto-browserify"],
"stream": ["./node_modules/stream-browserify"],
"assert": ["./node_modules/assert"],
"http": ["./node_modules/stream-http"],
"https": ["./node_modules/https-browserify"],
"os": ["./node_modules/os-browserify"]
Also typescript wants the declaration files of superagent, install it via
npm install --save-dev @types/superagent
Chances are high that you will also encounter a "Buffer not defined" and "process not defined" error when opening your application in a browser. You will need to add the following lines to your polyfills.ts
(window as any).global = window;
global.Buffer = global.Buffer || require('buffer').Buffer;
global.process = require('process');
import { Tinylock, SearchResult, PoolData } from 'tinylock-web';
// Note: If environment is not provided tinylock uses MainNet
const tinylock = new Tinylock(
environment: 'TestNet'
} // :TinylockerConfig
// Find all locks for a token
next: (searchResultArray: SearchResult[]) => {
// Find all locks for a pool
tinylock.searchPoolAsa(47355102, 0).pipe(
(poolData: PoolData) => tinylock.searchToken(poolData.poolAsaId)
next: (searchResultArray: SearchResult[]) => {
// Use your own client and indexer
const yourClient: Algodv2 = ....;
const yourIndexer: Indexer = ....;
const tinylock = new Tinylock({
client: yourClient,
indexer: yourIndexer
// By default there are app id's (MainNet,TestNet) included for Tinyman and Tinylock but you can provide your own
const yourTinymanAppId = 0;
const yourTinylockAppId = 0;
const tinylock = new Tinylock({
tinymanAppId: yourTinymanAppId,
tinylockAppId: yourTinylockAppId
// You can also specify the algod token, base and port for indexer and client and let tinylock handle the creation
const yourClientToken = '';
const yourClientBase = "https://...../";
const yourClientPort = 443;
const yourIndexerToken = '';
const yourIndexerBase = "https://...../";
const yourIndexerPort = 443;
const tinylock = new Tinylock({
clientToken: yourClientToken,
clientBase: yourClientBase,
clientPort: yourClientPort,
indexerToken: yourIndexerToken,
// Enable/Disable the call rate limiter
const tinylock = new Tinylock({
enableAPICallRateLimit: false, // Default is true
maxCallsPerSecond: 5 // Default is 10