
Authored by Maha Salman Cheema, Rachel Woodill, Zhao Wen


For our project three we are analyzing air quality data and asthma data in NYC, hoping to find correlations. We also included data about truck routes and tree locations to give more context to the overall air quality in NYC.

File Locations:

  • jupyter notebook analysis: jupypter-notebook > data analysis.ipynb
  • html files (homepage): templates > index.html
  • html files (about page): templates > about.html
  • html files (jupyter notebook): templates > data_analysis.html
  • html files (api documentation): templates > API_DOC.html
  • js files (logic for homepage): static > js > logic.js
  • js files (logic for charts): static > js > logic_chart.js
  • data (air quality): static > data > AQ_health_chart_data > all files
  • data (tree data): static > data > tree > all files
  • data (truck routes): static > data > truck_routes > NewYorkCityTruckRoutes_20231205.geojson
  • css file (custom css): static > css > style.css
  • flask app (RUN THIS TO START THE APP):
  • presentation files: Project Three.pdf


Data and Delivery (25 points)

  • Data components used in the project are clearly documented. (5 points)
  • The dataset contains at least 100 unique records. (5 points)
  • A database is used to house the data (SQL, MongoDB, SQLite, etc.). (5 points)
  • The project is powered by a Python Flask API and includes HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and the chosen database. (10 points)

Back End (25 points)

  • The page created to showcase data visualizations runs without error. (7.5 points)
  • A JavaScript library not shown in class is used in the project. (7.5 points)
  • The project conforms to one of the following designs: (10 points)
  • A Leaflet or Plotly chart built from data gathered through web scraping.
  • A dashboard page with multiple charts that all reference the same data.

Visualizations (25 points)

  • A minimum of three unique views present the data. (5 points)
  • Multiple user-driven interactions (such as dropdowns, filters, or a zoom feature) are included on the final page. (5 points)
  • The final page displays visualizations in a clear, digestable manner. (5 points)
  • The data story is easy to interpret for users of all levels. (10 points)

Group Presentation (25 points)

  • All group members speak during the presentation. (5 points)
  • The content is relevant to the project. (5 points)
  • The presentation maintains audience interest. (5 points)
  • Content, transitions, and conclusions flow smoothly within any time restrictions. (10 points)