black = usually your theme bg
darker_black = 6% darker than black
black2 = 6% lighter than black
onebg = 10% lighter than black
oneb2 = 19% lighter than black
oneb3 = 27% lighter than black
grey = 40% lighter than black (the % here depends so choose the perfect grey!)
grey_fg = 10% lighter than grey
grey_fg2 = 20% lighter than grey
light_grey = 28% lighter than grey
baby_pink = 15% lighter than red or any babypink color you like!
line = 15% lighter than black
nord_blue = 13% darker than blue
sun = 8% lighter than yellow
statusline_bg = 4% lighter than black
lightbg = 13% lighter than statusline_bg
lightbg2 = 7% lighter than statusline_bg
folder_bg = blue color
(note : the above values are mostly approx values so its not compulsory that you have to use those exact numbers , test your theme i.e show it in the PR to get feedback from @siduck)