
transfer file between two computer

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


usage: -h for help


1. TCP packet design

description version type length payload
size(byte) 1 1 4 length

version: the packet structure version.

type: the packet type.

  • 0 is BeartHeart
  • 1 is Command
  • 2 is Data

length: the length of payload. the value between 0-32KB(for 1Mbit/s network, 32KB data need about 250ms, 8KB data need about 60ms, so suggest the suitable size is 8-16KB). if the payload is too large, suggest split.

payload: the data you want to transfer

  • type is BeartHeart: only version and type, without length and payload

  • type is Command: payload has two parts. first 4 bytes is message type(int32), the last is a JSON string which contains the real information of the message.

    description message type data
    size(bytes) 4(int32)

    the follow is a base structure.


    name:string,			//message name
    id: string, 			//message id, a guid/uuid string to identify the message
    version: ""		//message version


suggest command messages:

command type description
ConnectMessage contains the information of client.
AcceptMessage response of ConnectMessage. can contains the information of server.
RejectMessage response of ConnectMessage. can contains the reason of reject.
DisconnectMessage close connection in normal cases. mainly send by client side.
PingMessage after server accept the client, test the business connection.data is "ping" and response is "pong".
TransferMessage the information of the transfer. should contains a guid/uuid(128bit) identify of the transfer process.
TransferCancelMessage cancel the transfer process.
TransferCompleteMessage after all the file data received, send this message as a ACK to let other know.
ErrorMessage information of errors. 0 means received data.
CommandMessage can send some simple command to server side. may cause the security issue, if necessary should implement this carefully.
  • type is Data: payload is byte stream. this packet type mainly use in file transferring

in the payload of the tcp packet

description transferid(GUID/UUID) offset data
size(bytes) 16 8(uint64) 0-16K

when implement the file transfer, can split many litter packets.

file transfer sequence

source->target: accept
source->target:filelist(30-50items in once transfer.)
target->source:getfile(with uuid)
source->target:filedata(with uuid,target check hash)
target->source:disconnect(then target close connection)

3. Security design

AES algorithm, CTR mode