

A simple application based on the provided case study.


This application is developed using various technologies and libraries, Coroutine and Dagger Hilt.


A simple application based on the provided case study, implementing the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture along with the repository pattern. The MVVM architecture promotes a separation of concerns, enhancing code maintainability and testability. Additionally, the repository pattern is employed to manage data access, providing a centralized and organized approach to handling data retrieval and storage.

Unit testing with mockk

This application employs the MockK library for unit testing to ensure robust and reliable code. The use of MockK facilitates the creation of mock objects, allowing for isolated testing of individual components. This approach enhances the overall quality of the application by verifying the correctness of each unit of code.


UI Testing with Esporesso

Incorporating Espresso for UI testing, this application ensures the seamless functionality of its user interface. Espresso simplifies the process of creating UI tests by providing a concise and expressive API. The tests focus on verifying the correct behavior of the app's UI components, guaranteeing a smooth and responsive user experience.


The image above showcases the integration of Espresso into the testing suite, highlighting its role in validating the UI components. This approach enhances the overall quality of the application, confirming that the user interface behaves as expected under various scenarios.

Test Video



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