jQuery dynamic image upload

Resize images in the browser using a canvas.



  • Support drag-n-drop
  • Support file selection
  • AJAX file upload
  • [OPTIONAL] Better resize with limby-resize
  • [OPTIONAL] Use speedtest to auto-select the best upload quality.
  • [OPTIONAL] Extract EXIF data with exif-js

It helps for uploads over slow internet connections and uploads file by file, so not all the progress is lost when the connection drops.


<div id="drop-container">
<input type="file" multiple style="display:none;"/>
<button id="upload">Upload</button>
var diu = new DynamicImageUpload($('#drop-container'), {
/* Configure options */

// Set additional data on an image
$('#drop-container').on('click', 'img', function (e) {
    // Prevent click on drop container

    // $(this) is the <img> element
    diu.setImageData($(this), {data:'value'});

    // Get the file name
    var filename = diu.getImageName($(this));

    // Get the extracted exif
    var exif = diu.getImageExif($(this));

    // Or remove the image from the container (and thus from the upload-queue)

// When button click, upload all files
$('#upload').on('click', function () {