
Yeoman generator for a JS boilerplate project

MIT LicenseMIT


Yeoman generator for a JS boilerplate project

What will be generated ?

A boilerpate JS project structure, with babel-powered ES8 transpiling, eslint (with amazing settings provided by yours truly, pm2, nodemon, jest unit tests, ...


yarn add global generator-js-tiphedor 
# or
npm i -g generator-js-tiphedor

yo js-tiphedor

Project usage

The project ships with a couple of useful scripts that you can invoke with npm run <script> or yarn <script>. Thoses scripts are:

  • start alias to start:dev

  • start:dev Runs the project in dev mode (using babel-node, so with sub-optimal perfomances), watched by nodemon

  • start:prod Runs build:prod to transpile the code, then serves the app as a pm2 deamon (so with auto-restart, ...), and then attaches the logs of the app to the terminal. Ctrl-C will only stop the logging, to stop the app use stop

  • stop alias to stop:dev

  • stop:dev stops the pm2 deamon

  • build alias to build:prod

  • build:prod transpiles the ES8 code to standard JS, and places the result in the dist folder.

  • test runs test:lint and test:unit

  • test:lint runs eslint on the whole project

  • test:unit runs all the unit tests, located in ./src/*.{test,spec}.js. Saves the coverage info to ./coverage