
Prometheus Ping exporter

Primary LanguagePython



Prometheus Ping Exporter is a simple python script which utilize fping to probe endpoint through ICMP and parsing the output to Prometheus. The result can then be visualize through Grafana with ease.


  • Python 2.x
  • fping 4.x

Screenshots alt text

For Debian user, you can get the fping deb file from http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/f/fping/fping_4.0-1_armhf.deb

For docker user, you can build the container with the Docker file (based on alpine around 54M). For arm user, you can change FROM to "armhf/alpine:edge"

PS: The script is working fine with > 40 ping target in a PI 3B.

Getting Started

  1. Download ping-exporter.py and place it inside /opt/
# cd /opt/ 
# curl  -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frankiexyz/ping-exporter/master/ping-exporter.py
  1. Ensure Correct Permission on ping-exporter.py
# chmod 755 /opt/ping-exporter.py
  1. Running The Ping Exporter
# /usr/bin/python /opt/ping-exporter.py
  1. Testing The Script
# curl ""

Running Script On System Startup

CentOS 7 (Using Systemd)

  1. Create a new ping_exporter.service file at /lib/systemd/system/
vi /lib/systemd/system/ping_exporter.service
  1. Paste The Following into ping_exporter.service
Description=Ping Exporter for Prometheus (Created By Frankie)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /opt/ping-exporter.py

  1. Save The File and Execute systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Start and Enable Ping Exporter Service
# systemctl start ping_exporter.service
# systemctl enable ping_exporter.service


Prometheus Configuration

Append the following in prometheus's config (Default is prometheus.yml)

  - job_name: 'ping-exporter'
    scrape_interval: 60s
    metrics_path: /probe
         prot: ['4']
      - targets:
          - www.ifconfig.xyz
          - www.google.com
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
        replacement: ${1}
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        regex: (.*)
        target_label: instance
        replacement: ${1}
      - source_labels: []
        regex: .*
        target_label: __address__
        replacement: <Your exporter IP>:8085

You might want to add or change the following parameters in params's section to match your requirements

         # Default Is IPv4, Can Be Changed To IPv6
         prot: ['4']

         # Ping Packet Size (Default value is 56)
         size: ['56']

         # Ping Count (Default value is 10 times)
         count: ['10']

         Ping Interval (Default value is 500ms)
         interval: ['500']