
A database of all 807 Pokémons along with their sprites


A database of all 807 Pokémons along with their sprites

The database in available only in JSON format, and the Schema looks like this for Mew:

	"number": "151",
	"name": "Mew",
	"species": "New Species",
	"types": [
	"abilities": {
		"normal": [
		"hidden": []
	"eggGroups": [
	"gender": [],
	"height": "1'04\"",
	"weight": "8.8 lbs.",
	"family": {
	"id": 78,
	"evolutionStage": 1,
	"evolutionLine": [
	"starter": false,
	"legendary": false,
	"mythical": true,
	"ultraBeast": false,
	"mega": false,
	"gen": 1

Pretty self-explanatory.

Of course, all of this data is the property of Game Freaks / Nintendo / Whatever / Please don't sue me I don't have money / bla bla bla, and were shamelessly scrapped from sevral public APIs.