
The companion repo for my TiddlyWiki tutorial. The commit history shows the progress from blank TiddlyWiki template to the final version.

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The companion repo for my TiddlyWiki tutorial. The commit history shows the progress from blank TiddlyWiki template to the final version.

TiddlyWiki Practice Revised

The practical part is structured in a "make it work, make it right, make it beautiful" progression. First we get the bare essentials, then we automate the repetitive tasks, and finally add a cherry or two on top.

Make it Work

Download the Template

We start off with downloading a blank template from the TiddlyWiki home page.

  • Open TiddlyWiki.
  • Scroll and find the big green "Download" button.

Install the File Saver

  • Open the downloaded empty.html in your browser.

Before we start adding content, let's install a plugin that automatically saves changes to the disk.

  • Open File Saver in a separate tab.
  • Click close on the welcoming screen.
  • Drag-and-drop the plugin box to the tab with empty.html.
  • Click import.
  • Click the red target icon.
  • Close all tabs.
  • Rename the downloaded file to my_notes.html.
  • Open my_notes.html in the browser.
  • Click Save and choose my_notes.html confirming the "File already exists. Do you want to replace it?" dialog.

Great, now any changes that we do to the wiki will be saved on your computer.

Create the first Tiddler

For our first record we will create a journal entry for yesterday.

  • Close GettingStarted tiddler with the cross icon.
  • Press on + icon in the sidebar.
  • Change the title to yesterday's date, e.g. 2023-03-29.
  • Add text 09:00 I met Alice and she is helping me to setup System X.
  • Click checkmark to save the tiddler.

Apply Formatting

All the regular formatting shenanigans work. TiddlyWiki uses WikiText markup to format the text. Start with buttons and soon you will learn the symbols used for the markup.

  • Click edit button and use the editor buttons to apply format:
    • Select 09:00 and click Bold.
    • Select helping and click italics.
  • Click the eye icon to see the preview.
  • Hide the sidebar by clicking the double right chevron button.
  • add the following bullet list.
09:30 Daily Standup

* Alice
** Reviewing ABC-123.
* Bob
** Testing System Y.
  • Click save.

Create Links

What makes any wiki useful is the ability to link its content. Let's see how to link tiddlers with one another.

  • Press + to create a second tiddler.
  • Name it System X.

A picture is worth a thousand words

  • download Image in the channel bookmarks to your computer and drag-and-drop the file into the open Tiddler editor.
  • Click Import.
  • To adjust the image change change [img[dumpster_fire.png]] to [img width=64 [dumpster_fire.png]]
  • Open the first journal tiddler and change SystemX to [[System X]].
  • Click on System X link, you will be taken to that tiddler in the story river.
  • Close the System X tiddler and you will see that it gets reopened when you click the link.
  • (By default the tiddler open at the bottom of the story river, we can change this behavior in the settings to changed to
    • At the top of the story river
    • Above the linking tiddler
    • Below the linking tiddler)

Now let's see what happens if we create a link to non-existing tiddler.

  • Change System Y to [[System Y]].

In the preview it appears in italics to show that the page does not exist yet. I found it a good idea to create links to missing tiddlers if I think that a concept is important but not enough to get a full blown tiddler.

  • Open the sidebar -> More -> Missing.
  • Click on System Y, it shows all the tiddlers mentioning it.

I made it a weekly routine to go over missing tiddlers and see if any of them needs to be created.

Finally, let's see how to link to an external resource.

  • Open the first tiddler.
  • Replace ABC-123 with [[ABC-123|jira.corp.net/jira/browse/ABC-123]]

Tag the Tiddlers

When adding more tiddlers you will see that some of them will be related to each other and this is where tagging becomes helpful.

Let's create a few more tiddlers.

  • Change Alice to [[Alice|Alice Bishop]].
  • Change Bob to [[Bob|Bob Dobbs]].
  • Create empty tiddlers for Alice Bishop, Bob Dobbs, and System Y by clicking on the links and populating the tiddlers.

Now the story river becomes a little crowded. Sidebar to the rescue.

  • Open sidebar -> Open tab.
  • Rearrange the order of tiddlers with drag and drop.
  • Show how to close tiddlers.

If the river still feels crowded, you can fold some of the tiddlers to show only the title.

  • Click on the more actions button on the journal tiddler and choose fold tiddler.

Now with all the tiddlers in on column we see that there are 3 categories emerging:

  • Journal
  • People
  • Systems

Let's group the tiddlers into these categories.

  • Open System X
  • Write System in tags field.
  • Repeat for System Y.
  • Add label Person to Alice Bishop and Bob Dobbs.
  • And Journal to the first tiddler.

The tags create a shortcut to all other tiddlers with the same tag.

Now we are done with the bare essentials and can start automating repetitive parts.

Make it Right

Create a Shortcut for Journal Tiddlers

If you are serious about keeping daily notes, then there will be a journal tiddler for every day at work. Although it is not difficult to create tiddlers with the current date and tagged with Journal, there is a shortcut for this.

  • Open sidebar -> Tools
  • Check new journal, observe a new button appearing on the sidebar.
  • Click it.

The created journal tiddler has the right tag, however the format is 30th March 2023. It looks nice, but a bit impractical if you need to link to Journal tiddlers or sort them alphabetically, so let's change the journal title format to ISO-8601 as we did in the very first tiddler.

  • delete the draft of 30th March 2023.
  • Open control panel by clicking on the cog icon on the sidebar.
  • Change the value of Title of new journal tiddlers from DDth MMM YYYY to YYYY-0MM-0DD, zeroes are needed to add leading zeroes.
  • Close the Control Panel tiddler.
  • Click the create new journal tiddler button again. Much better!

Create a Snippet for Daily Standups

Standups repeat every day, so it makes sense to automate adding notes on them with a template or as it's called in TiddlyWiki, a snippet.

  • Close all tiddlers and open the two journal tiddlers.
  • Click on the stamp icon and select Add your own.
  • Call the new tiddler "StandupSnippet", the title does not matter, as it will be referred by a caption, observe the system tag, TiddlyWIki uses internally to find snippets.
  • Paste the tiddler text.
09:30 Daily Standup

* [[Alice|Alice Bishop]]
* [[Bob|Bob Dobbs]]
  • add caption 09:30 Daily Standup
  • Close the StandupSnippet tiddler.
  • Open the newest Journal and add the snippet.

Create a Macro for Jira Tickets

One more frequent thing that we should automate is adding Jira links, so instead of typing [[ABC-123|https://jira.corp.net/ABC-123]] we can type <<jira ABC-123>> and get the same result.

  • add ** Merged <<jira ABC-123>>. to today's journal tiddler for Alice.
  • Create a new tiddler called JiraMacro.
  • Add $:/tags/Macro system tag.
  • Use the snippets button to insert Macro definition
  • Change
\define macroName(param1:"default value",param2)
Text of the macro


\define jira(id)
  • Save JiraMacro tiddler, observe that the journal tiddler shows the correct link.


The final point in the "Make it Right" part is backups. Please do them regularly. Since the whole wiki is just a single file choose a way that works for you. I keep my backups as a private snippet on Stash, but any other solution will work as well.

Make it Beautiful

Ok, for the final part of the practice we will add a couple of bells and whistles to our TiddlyWiki.

Add Visual Tweaks

Now that we don't have to worry about losing our data, we can go nuts on customizing the wiki.

  • Open ControlPannel (cog icon)


  • Navigate to Info
  • Change the Title of this TiddlyWiki and Subtitle, observe changes in the sidebar.
  • Change the animation duration from default 400 to 200 milliseconds for a snappier feel.
  • Change Default tiddlers to "retain story ordering", to see the same tiddlers when you re-open the wiki.

If you feel curious, after the tutorial, you can explore the Advanced tab, it has some nerdy diagnostic information.


  • Navigate to Appearance.
  • Navigate to Palette
  • Choose a theme that suites your mood.

Later you can press show editor button at the bottom and create the official "kitsch pink" theme if that's what you like.


  • Navigate to Toolbars

Page Toolbars

  • Navigate to Page Toolbars
  • Uncheck save changes with the plugin we installed saving happens automatically and is indicated with a small hover.
  • add more button to have access to less used buttons.

There are a few other useful buttons:

  • Check palette if you are feeling trendy and want the notes to match your day's outfit.
  • If you are a tinfoil-cap paranoid type select the encrypt button, but be aware that password-protecting your wiki will make it useless if you forget the password.
  • full screen is for the mythical focus-mode we all desire.
  • print is a great button if you need to quickly make a PDF or a paper version of the currently open tiddlers.

Observe that icons can be rearranged by dragging.

View Toolbars

Finally, let's customize View Toolbars. I think it's alright by default, just check fold tiddler button, so that you can leave only the title while focusing on other open tiddlers.

  • Navigate to View Toolbars
  • Select Fold Bar to quickly fold/unfold tiddlers.

Theme Tweaks

  • Navigate to Theme Tweaks
  • In Options change Sidebar layout to Fluid story, fixed sidebar to get move screen space to the story river.
  • Enable sticky titles, they are nice.

"One designer played with the fonts and lost."

so let's not touch those, the defaults are a-ok.

  • Navigate to Settings tab
  • Uncheck Enable automatic CamelCase linking otherwise TiddlyWiki will consider any CamelCased word as a link to new Tiddler.
  • Close ControlPannel tiddler.

Phew. That concludes the tweaking part.

Sharing Your Work

At some point you may want to share the notes with other people and there are several options for that.

Sharing a single tiddler:

  • Open some tiddler.
  • Click on more menu on a tiddler, choose Export tiddler -> Static HTML, examine the downloaded file.
  • Can also be exported as .tid file and imported by drag-and-drop into another TiddlyWiki.

Sharing the whole TiddlyWiki

  • Open more menu in the sidebar.
  • Click on export all, you will see the same choices, but for the whole wiki.

As a printed PDF using Print button.

A quick and easy way to share a subset of tiddlers is to unfold them, hide the sidebar and click on the printer icon and print to a PDF.

Enhance Tags

  • Navigate to Sidebar -> More -> Tags.
  • Open tag manager system tiddler, add an appropriate icon and a fancy color.
  • Show that the tag appears, click on it to see all tag-mates and a tiddler, representing tag, * Write info about System, some common info.
Common information about systems at Corp.

* [[The global repository for system accesses|https://corp.net/systems]]
* [[Rules for creating a new system|https://corp.net/new_system]]
  • Use "List of tiddlers by tag" to enrich the Journal tiddler.


How many of you use

  • Browser plugins?
  • Jenkins plugins?
  • Vim plugins?
  • Winamp plugins? Anyone? Ah well!

Then you know the first rule of plugins. Don't overdo it! Understand the limitations of vanilla before installing a bunch. It is very easy to install, it's just drag-and-dropping the plugin into an open tab.

Here is the top list of plugins that I use:

  1. Filesystem saver (already installed)
  2. TODO plugin
    • <<todolist-ui caption:"!!" base:"Simple" width:60%>>
    • Keep TODO widget-page alway open, unloads your focus, production line with occasional gremlins analogy.
  3. Highlight.js
    • invaluable for storing pieces of code.
  4. Mermaid
    • Great for generating diagrams
    • Btw, everyone's darling, ChatGPT, is amazingly good at generating the mermaid diagrams given enough context.
  5. Reveal-js
    • I made the slides in it.
  6. QR Code

There are also plugins that I haven't installed but see they could be fun:

  • TiddlyMap if you feel like searching for Pepe Silva
  • Stroll for two-column view
  • KaTeX plugin if you write in LaTeX
  • markdown to allow writing tiddlers in Markdown.

Add Custom favicon

This wiki, your wiki, is almost perfect. Now let's add a final touch and add a favicon, so that you can easily find it among other open browser tabs.

  • Navigate to http://www.faviconer.com/
  • Draw a cool 32-pixel icon, give it a name and description and download.
  • Drag-and-drop to import into wiki
  • rename the tiddler to $:/favicon.ico.
  • Now if you pin it it will be easy to find.

Setting a favicon is an equivalent of naming a pet, so this TiddlyWiki is with you to stay.