
Fabric2-based utils for site deploy to Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.


Fabric2-based utils for

  • Python 3.6
  • Django
  • nginx
  • gunicorn
  • letsencrypt.org HTTPS

site deploy to a Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.


  • Python3+
  • Fabric 2.3.1+


  • run
cd django-project-repository
git submodule add git@github.com:tipishev/deploy.git
  • copy EXAMPLE_fabric.yaml to fabric.yaml
  • change deploy settings in fabric.yaml


  • initial fresh server setup
fab -H root@example.com root-init
fab -H user@example.com init
  • subsequent deploys
fab -H user@example.com deploy

Other Commands

TODO rename commands to make explanation redundant

  • log show Django application log
  • backup-https save https settings on the local host
  • renew-https renew https certificate
  • restore-https
  • setup-secrets