
Primary LanguageErlang


Reading List


Official Docs



Debugging and Tracing

Deeper Theory


  • programming_erlang: Code and exercises from Programming Erlang 2nd edition.
  • beam_book: Code from The Beam Book.
  • lyse: Code from Learn You Some Erlang.
  • advent_of_code_2019: Erlang app for solving AOC2019.
  • erlang_in_anger: Notes and exercises from Erlang in Anger.

Beginner Talk Ideas

  • Dispelling Superstitions with Experiments

Erlang is a constantly developing language and some common advice may become less relevant. How can we confirm that they still hold? For example, when studying Erlang lists we are told that List ++ [Element] is less efficient than reverse([Element|List]). Is it still true? By how much is it less efficient? Also, "Make servers tail-recursive or you will run out of memory!" How fast will that happen? Let us build small programs to put these claims to the test and put numbers on the tribal knowledge.

  • Making Sense of Erlang Tooling

I have always been fond of tools surrounding development. Here I want to give a survey of current tools for Erlang, their dependencies, strong and weaker sides.

  • +sFlag Value Scheduling specific flags Erl has quite a few BindTypes for scheduling. Maybe it's worth exploring and visualizing.