
Based on Tpope's Vivid Chalk colorscheme

Primary LanguageVim Script


I have forked this from Tpope's Vividchalk and slightly modified it.

All credit goes to him. Check him out. He has many great Vim plugins.


call plug#begin()
  Plug 'ParamagicDev/vim-medic_chalk'
call plug#end()

colorscheme medic_chalk

Gif of colorscheme

Below is a sample for ~/.Xresources taken from RomainL

*.foreground: #FFFFFF
*.background: #000000
*.color0:     #000000
*.color8:     #111111
*.color1:     #FFA500
*.color9:     #FF6600
*.color2:     #66FF00
*.color10:    #99CC99
*.color3:     #FFCC00
*.color11:    #FFEE98
*.color4:     #5F87AF
*.color12:    #33C9C9
*.color5:     #9933CC
*.color13:    #AA1BF2
*.color6:     #88B5C3
*.color14:    #AABBEE
*.color7:     #FFFFFF
*.color15:    #808080

Differences from VividChalk

There aren't many differences,

I changed the way the auto completion menu is handled.

I also changed the fact that the current cursor row was underlined.

I also changed how splits appears, colorcolumn appears, and how matched parentheses appear.

Altered fallback values for GUI StatusLines and Normal highlighting.

Altered the way non-current status line is highlighted.

Added a highlight link for NERDTree (Sorry TPope, I know you like NETRW w/ vinegar)

Added a color palette to the README for easier porting of the colorscheme.

Overall, it's pretty much the same just with a few adjustments. TPope did All the heavy lifting on this one.