
leom chainlinks

Primary LanguageAstro


If this looks too tricky for you, check out: https://docs.chain.link/quickstarts/deploy-your-first-contract

Day 1: Build a simple decentralized news aggregator service

Following Richard's tutorial, the following was created:


  • Create a contract that uses Chainlink functions to get the latest news from hackernews api
  • Store the story on the blockchain
  • Display the stories on a webpage

Steps to run the project:

The contract is good to go and hooked up to Chainlink Functions Subscriber. To deploy and set up your Functions, you need to:

  • Compile and deploy the contract on a testnet (this is on Sepolia)

  • Create and fund a Chainlink Functions Subscription

  • Add your deployed contract address to your subscription as a "Consumer"

  • Add your subscription ID to the contract

  • Run the sendRequest function on the contract to get the latest news from Hackernews and save it to the blockchain

  • Call the getAllArticles function to get the latest news from the blockchain

    function getAllArticles() public view returns (string[] memory) {
            string[] memory allArticles = new string[](articles.length);
            for (uint i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
                allArticles[i] = string(articles[i].url);
            return allArticles;
  • in /src/pages/index.astro you can display the stories on a webpage

    async function fetchOGData(url) {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(url);
      const html = await response.text();
      const dom = new JSDOM(html);
      const doc = dom.window.document;
      let ogTitle =
        doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:title"]')?.content || url;
      const ogImage = doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]')?.content;
      return { ogTitle, ogImage, url };
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching OG data:", error);
      return { ogTitle: "No title", ogImage: "No image", url };


To get started quickly with this code, clone the repo, run `npm install` and `npm run dev`

nothing might show on the screen, why?

You need to create a `.env` file and have the following:

#### RPC for sepolia

Follow this article to get your contract ready and deployed.

This repo is just the frontend Dapp that interact with the smart contract using ether-js.