Learn Noir in an afternoon (or get your money back1)

Useful install links

Noirup curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/noir-lang/noirup/main/install | bash

Foundry curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash

Other cool stuff

Proving on the browser

Recursive proofs... On the browser

I trust you bro

Unless you want to, you don't need to run the tools inside "utils". Here are the hashes we're gonna need, for your copy-pasting pleasures:


x = [1,2]
y = "0x115cc0f5e7d690413df64c6b9662e9cf2a3617f2743245519e19607a4417189a"


x = [1,2]
y = [
   34, 174, 109, 166, 180, 130, 249, 177,
  177, 155,  11, 137, 124,  63, 212,  56,
  132,  24,  10,  28,  94, 227,  97, 225,
   16, 122,  27, 198,  53, 100, 157, 218

Same for my favourite lib:

ecrecover = {tag = "v0.10.0", git = "https://github.com/colinnielsen/ecrecover-noir.git"}


  1. nope