
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Assignment System

Master's thesis by Christian Rasmussen and David Åse.


Download software

  1. Download "Eclipse Modeling Tools v4.4.0 (64-bit)" from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
  2. Download "Play 2.3.0 (Activator)" from https://www.playframework.com/download#older-versions (NOTE: Make sure to download this exact version)
  3. Download "JExercise" from https://github.com/hallvard/jexercise/
  4. Clone git repo (git clone https://github.com/chrrasmussen/NTNU-Master-Project.git)

Setting up Eclipse

  1. Start Eclipse
  2. Set workspace to the root of project (the folder containing README.md)
  3. Open "File" > "Import..."
  4. Select "General" > "Existing Projects into Workspace"
  5. Press "Next"
  6. In the "Select root directory" field, browse to <projectDir>/no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model
  7. Make sure the project is checked
  8. Click "Finish"
  9. Repeat for <projectDir>/no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.editor

Setting up JRE8 in Eclipse (if problems with Java 8)

  1. Go to "Window" > "Preferences" > "Java" > "Installed JREs"
  2. If jre8 is not in the list, click "Add"
  3. Choose "Standard VM"
  4. Set "JRE Home" to your jre8 path
  5. Click "Finish"

Installing Maven plugin

  1. Go to "Help" in the menu bar
  2. Open "Eclipse Marketplace"
  3. Search for maven 1.5
  4. Install "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Luna and newer) 1.5" (Select the one with the most downloads)
  5. Complete the wizard
  6. Restart Eclipse when prompted

Installing Akka dependencies into Eclipse

The Maven command line tool (mvn) can be installed using brew install maven on Mac OS X.

  1. Open terminal and navigate to <projectDir>/Setup folder
  2. Run mvn p2:site (https://github.com/reficio/p2-maven-plugin)
  3. Open Eclipse
  4. Go to "Help" > "Install new Software..." in menu bar
  5. Click "Add..."
  6. Click "Local..."
  7. Navigate to <projectDir>/setup/target/repository/ and click "Open"
  8. Click "OK"
  9. Check "Maven osgi-bundles" in table view
  10. Click "Next >"
  11. Click "Finish"
  12. Restart Eclipse when prompted

Generating model code

  1. Navigate to no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model/model/model.genmodel
  2. Right-click on "Model"
  3. Click on "Generate Model Code"
  4. Repeat for no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model/model/services.genmodel

These steps must be performed every time the .ecore model changes.

Update path to Eclipse install

  1. Open the source file no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model/src/no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.services/EditorActor.java
  2. Go to line 45
  3. Update the path to match the current installation: <eclipseInstall>/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.<version>.jar

Exporting the editor plugin

  1. Right-click the project no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.editor and select "Export..."
  2. Select "Plug-in Development" > "Deployable plug-ins and fragments"
  3. Click "Next"
  4. Set directory to <eclipseInstall>/dropins/
  5. Click "Finish"

These steps must be performed every time the source code in no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.editor changes.

Create a Run configuration

  1. Open "Run" > "Run Configurations" in menu bar
  2. Right-click "Java Application" and select "New"
  3. Set name to Main
  4. Set project to no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model
  5. Set main class to no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.services.Main
  6. Click "Run" and confirm that it compiles

Exporting to JAR

  1. Right-click the project no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model and select "Export..."
  2. Select "Java" > "Runnable JAR file"
  3. Click "Next"
  4. Set launch configuration to "Main"
  5. Set export destination to <projectDir>/AssignmentModel/lib/no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model.jar (Folder must be created)
  6. Set library handling to "Copy required libraries into a sub-folder next to the generated JAR"
  7. Click "Finish"
  8. Move the JAR-files from <projectDir>/AssignmentModel/lib/no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model_lib/ to <projectDir>/AssignmentModel/lib/

These steps must be performed every time the code in no.ntnu.assignmentsystem.model changes.

Run the project

  1. Move the TDT4100 problems from <downloads>/jexercise-master/no.hal.jex.collection/ to <projectDir>/no.hal.jex.collection/
  2. Move the files from <downloads>/activator-1.2.10-minimal/ to <projectDir>/AssignmentModel/
  3. Open terminal and navigate to <projectDir>/AssignmentModel/
  4. Run ./activator run
  5. Open web browser and navigate to: http://localhost:9000

Setting up IntelliJ (Optional)

  1. Generate IDEA-files (./activator idea)
  2. Start IntelliJ
  3. Select "Open Project"
  4. Navigate to <projectDir>/AssignmentSystem/