
Convenience packages for python. I got tired of looking up how to do things or recoding them so I put them all in one place for my convenience.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Packages

I found that I keep looking up code for the same tasks over and over. I decided to simplify my life and create convenience packages for all the code that I re-use and re-lookup continually.

Where noted, some modules have been copied and possibly modify from other locations. The license under which these modules are distributed have been noted as well as the location of the original source.


Provides a helper module for parsing command line options and arguments.


Provides a helper module for ini files. It wraps the reading and retrieving of values from ini files into a single class.


Provides a helper module for logging. There is a single unified class that sets up logging. The class can be multiple times. Each instance can set up one of the following types of logs:

CONSOLE: : prints all statements to either stdout or stderr depending on the log level

FILE: : uses the python logging module to log to specified files

SYSLOG: : logs output to syslog


Provides python implementations of many shell commands. This module also includes several sub-modules.


This module is distributed under the MIT license.

Original source: https://github.com/thesharp/daemonize


This module is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")

Original source: https://code.google.com/p/ipaddr-py/



cloned from: https://github.com/NetAngels/openssh-wrapper.git


Provides useful utility functions for python programming tasks.


Provides python-fstab module for reading and editing fstab files in python. The package was apparently written for and subsequently removed from Ubuntu/Debian. The source has been modified to include more properties.
The original source for this package can be found at:


This module is distributed under the GNU General Public License (version 3).


Provides a common interface for parsing xml and performing xsl transforms in python

Building RPMs with Mock

Install Mock

On Fedora systems:

yum install mock

On SL6 systems:

rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.nebo.edu/public/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install mock

Build RPMs

Execute the following:

cd <path/to>/py_stdlib

Source RPMs will b located in:


The built RPMs will be in:
