
DispatchGenius is a comprehensive delivery management system designed to address the challenges encountered by international students in accessing necessities and sending gifts. Through a user-friendly interface and cost-effective delivery solutions, DispatchGenius aims to enhance the overall experience of international students by simplifying the delivery process and fostering a sense of community.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Tech Stack
  4. System Design
  5. Installation
  6. Usage
  7. Future Enhancements
  8. Contributors


DispatchGenius addresses the myriad challenges faced by international students in accessing necessities and sending gifts. By providing a user-friendly platform coupled with cost-effective and efficient delivery solutions, DispatchGenius simplifies the delivery process and enhances the overall experience for users.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive platform for booking deliveries and managing shipments.
  • Free Delivery Services: Cost-effective solution for international students.
  • Streamlined Scheduling: Efficient backend algorithms for scheduling deliveries.
  • Robust Feedback System: Continuous service improvement based on user feedback.
  • Modular Architecture: Scalable system architecture for seamless integration of functionalities.
  • User Authentication: Secure authentication and session management.
  • Data Models: Structured data models for entities such as users, packages, and shipments.

Tech Stack

  • Programming Language: Java
  • User Interface: JavaFX, FXML, CSS
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Eclipse
  • External Libraries: Scene Builder, java.util package

System Design

Architecture Overview

DispatchGenius follows a modular architecture consisting of high-level modules such as core functionalities, administrative functions, user authentication, data models, package receiver functionalities, shipper functionalities, system-wide utilities, and database management.


  • app: Core functionalities and UI styling.
  • app.admin: Administrative functions and view statistics.
  • app.login: User authentication and management.
  • app.model: Data models for entities.
  • app.receiver: Package receiver functionalities.
  • app.shipper: Functionalities for shippers.
  • app.system: System-wide utilities.
  • app.tools: Database and utilities.


  1. Prerequisites:

    • Java Development Kit (JDK)
    • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse
  2. Steps:

    • Clone the repository: git clone <repository-url>
    • Open the project in Eclipse IDE.
    • Ensure JavaFX is set up correctly in your IDE.
    • Build and run the project.


  1. Login: Authenticate using your credentials.
  2. Dashboard: View an overview of delivery status and statistics.
  3. Book Delivery: Schedule package deliveries using the user-friendly interface.
  4. Track Shipment: Monitor the status of your shipments in real-time.
  5. Provide Feedback: Share your feedback to help improve the service.

Future Enhancements

  • Implement notification services for users.
  • Enable live package tracking functionality.
  • Develop a delivery executive login portal for enhanced operational efficiency.
  • Enhance user interface design for better usability and visual appeal.


Thank you for choosing DispatchGenius. Simplify your delivery experience with us!