Project Name

Coding challenge for Insight Data Engineering Followship

Environment and Installation

This program has been developed and tested based on Python 2.7.10 under GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39) in OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.5. It's compatiable for most main stream OS platform including MacOS and Linux/Unix.   In order to run it, simply pull the whole folder into local machine and launch with script.  

Dependency library includes the following, apply "pip install" when necessary:








Argument list

python ./src/ <input_batch_log.txt> <input_stream_log.txt> <output_anomaly_purchase.txt>


As above image shows, this program is designed to follow what state-of-art data pipeline platform does. Main components includes three services - parser, Social Network Service and Purchase analyze service, and one “database” as Use_db.   When program runs, log stream firstly passes through service parser and is translated into internal message log_item. After that, log_item is passed to Social Network Service and Purchase Analysis Service to conduct friendship and purchase update/analysis services. Database User_db is exposed for both Social Network Service and Purchase Analyze Service R/W. Database plays the role of maintaining all friendship, social circle (friends’ friendship based on given degree) and purchase record of all users.  

Highlights on Social Network Service

I applied Breadth-first-search (BFS) to update the Nth degree social network when friendship got updated (befriend or unfriend). Suppose befriend/unfriend happens between A and B,  BFS will be applied on A, B and every user of their Nth social network.  

Highlights on Purchase Analyze Service

In order to decide if current purchase made by user A is anomaly, I have to pull recent K purchases from A’s Nth social network. Similar as TopK problem, a heap was used to optimize the time complexity as K*O(M), where K is total purchases I want to use for analyze and M is total users in A’s Nth social network.   


Shanshan Qin