This repo contains the code used for providing additional backend functionality to the Dank Memes app through Firebase Functions. You can find the app in the Play Store - Dank Memes.
In the app, Functions was used for:
- Updating app metadata e.g. No. of Users when a new user joins, No. of Memes when a new one is posted.
- Sending new memes alert when a certain target is reached (default = 20)
- Sending comment/like notifications to users.
- Alerting admins when a user reports a meme.
- Generating meme thumbnails when they are posted.
- etc
Also, before setting up the Functions, follow the creating a Firebase Project for Dank Memes in the Dank Memes app README.
For a complete Firebase Functions setup, check out the docs - Firebase Functions Setup. To setup the project, this guide assumes you already have NodeJS installed, the version used here is 14.3 but with >= 10 you should be okay.
To get started, clone the repo to your local machine
foo@bar:~$ git clone
- CD into the project folder
foo@bar:~$ cd Dank-Memes-Functions/
- Initialize the Firebase Project
foo@bar:~$ firebase init
Follow the Firebase guide as prompted and in the process selecting Javascript
as the language to be used. On complete setup Firebase will generate some additional files.
If during the prompt you did not install the NPM dependencies, proceed and install them now:
foo@bar:~$ cd functions/ && npm install
After all is setup, you can proceed and deploy it to your Firebase project from the project root folder:
foo@bar:~$ firebase deploy --only functions
That is all and you should now have Functions setup. You can proceed and test it out by using the app.
Copyright 2020 Vincent Tirgei
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.