
Firebase Functions for the Mpesa Daraja (https://github.com/tirgei/MpesaDaraja.git) android app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mpesa Daraja - Firebase cloud functions

This is the cloud functions for the Mpesa Daraja android mobile application (https://github.com/tirgei/MpesaDaraja).

In the project, cloud functions was used for:

  • Welcoming a new user to the app
  • Providing a callback endpoint for Safaricom which is triggered on STK push
  • Providing an endpoint which is called on successful transaction so as to update account balance and create a transaction entry in the database

The push notifications were sent via Google FCM


To view the source code for the app, you can clone it here: https://github.com/tirgei/MpesaDaraja.git

Happy coding :)