Created by: Tiril Key Grimsrud, Alberto Pacheco and Mindaugas Jukna

A movie database web application based on IMDB and TMDB where you can browse and search for movies, add them to your watchlist, favorite them or leave reviews.


The Movie DB API

  1. Sign up with the Movie DB API and get approved for an API key
  2. Navigate to the /client/config/ folder and create a file "keys.js" by copying the "keys_template.js" file, and adding your API key


  1. Log into your local MySQL Database
  2. Create a database
  3. Navigate to the /server/config/ folder, and create a file "db_config.js" by copying the "db_config_template.js" contents, and replacing the database name, username and password with your own credentials
  4. Open an IDE, navigate to the folder /server/ and run the following command
npm i
  1. After all the packages are installed, while still in the /server/ directory, run the following commands in this order
knex migrate:rollback
knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
  1. When all the migrations and seed is completed, you can start the server by running the following command.
nodemon server.js

Once completed you should see the message "Server is running on port 9090" in the terminal.


To make nodemailer work, navigate to the /server/config/ folder, and create a file "mailer_config.js" by copying the "mailer_config_template.js" file and replace the credentials with your own gmail credentials. Use a gmail for testing purposes only, and make sure the security setting "allow less secure apps" is turned on in your gmail settings.


  1. In your IDE, navigate to /client/ folder and run the following commands in this order
npm i
npm start

The project is now up and running!