These are the exercises for the elective.

  1. Start by forking this repo to make it your own. the fork button

  2. Then clone it using something like git clone https://github.com/yourgithubhandle/js-kata-fall-2018.git

  3. Everytime we change the original repository you should do a pull from our repository to grab the latest version (merging them into your own). git pull https://github.com/jofhatkea/js-kata-fall-2018.git

About the Exercises

The exercises are structured into folders, each containing a README.md file and a folder called mysolution.

The only place you should add or change files, is in that folder

The easy way to read the .md file is by going to your repo at github.com

If you spot a spelling error or have something to add, please do a pull request :-)

Suggested solutions

Suggested solutions for some of the katas will be posted at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCx1FpZ4Dtb1cx9MFzRyHDtmiloBTGZy- a few days after the due date.

Rules and Guidelines for the Katas

  1. We will try to have a kata for every day in the elective
  2. Each kata should take no more than 30 minutes
  3. The katas should cover HTML, CSS, JS and/or SVG
  4. All katas should include a technical/coding perspective
  5. The katas should have an optional section, if you feel like doing more, or if you finish the regular part fast
  6. The optional section might involve stuff you havn't seen in the elective yet