
A command line dictionary in Perl

Primary LanguagePerl


Version v1.0 :

Please read the Installation instructions carefully to install them. A single, ready-to-install package with dependencies included will be released soon.

Installation :

At the moment the app supports only GNU/Linux with Perl.

Its a Perl script that requires DBI , DBD::SQLite and preferably SQLite3 or SQLite.

The app requires the Database at /home/$USER/ (Replace the $USER with username or value of echo $USER)

Perl modules :

Please install the Perl modules from CPAN.

Installation :

    cpan DBI
    cpan DBD::SQLite

You can also use cpanm or other means to install the modules.

SQLite :

The app and the database uses SQLite3. Its lightweight and leaves a low memory footprint.

Installation :

    sudo apt-get install sqlite3

package manager (apt-get) might vary between distributions.

Database :

Extract the Wordzilla.tar.xz file to /home/$USER/ (Replace the $USER with username or value of echo $USER)

md5sum : c10acd233f1ee0aa6789cca544b91a6a

Add the Perl script to $PATH:

From the location of the script add it to the path to use it like a command.

    echo $PATH;

select a path preferably /usr/local/bin.

    sudo cp Wordzilla /usr/local/bin

wordzilla [options] word

	-help  print the help text
	-c     print the meaning and part of speech in color
	-p     takes the part of speech as the argument
	-m     takes the number of meanings to be displayed as argument
	-man   display the man page