Task Tracker

This is a simple task tracker application written in Go. It allows you to add, update, list, delete, and change the status of tasks. The tasks are stored in a JSON file.


  • Add a new task
  • List all tasks or filter by status (done, in-progress, not-done)
  • Update a task's name
  • Mark a task as in-progress or done
  • Delete a task


  • add "task name": Adds a new task with the given name.
  • list: Lists all tasks.
  • list done: Lists all tasks that are done.
  • list in-progress: Lists all tasks that are in-progress.
  • list not-done: Lists all tasks that are not done.
  • update <id> "new task name": Updates the name of the task with the given ID.
  • mark-in-progress <id>: Marks the task with the given ID as in-progress.
  • mark-done <id>: Marks the task with the given ID as done.
  • delete <id>: Deletes the task with the given ID.
  • exit: Exits the application.


  1. Run the application using go run main.go.
  2. Enter commands to manage your tasks.


add "Buy groceries"
update 0 "Buy groceries and cook dinner"
mark-in-progress 0
list in-progress
mark-done 0
list done
delete 0

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This project is licensed under the MIT License.