
Project under Code In Place 21 by Stanford University

Primary LanguagePython

Image Processing through Python

Its a project which uses PIL and simpleimage for Image prossing


Use the package manager pip to install Pillow.

pip install Pillow


image1 = SimpleImage("image_name.jpg") # Take image to image1
darker(image1,2) # Make imager darker by factor 2
brighter(image1,2) # Make imager brighter by factor 2
red_channel(image1) # Make green and blue channel zero
green_channel(image1) # Make red and blue channel zero
blue_channel(image1) # Make red and blue channel zero
grayscale(image1) # Make image grayscale
green_screen(front_image, back_image, threshold=1.6) # Green Screen Image with back image having green colour overwrittern
combine_images(image1, image2, size) # Combine images side by side , If size is even then w.r.t image1 other wise image2
rotate(image, turns) # Rotate image clockwise "turns" times
contrast(image, factor, mid=100) # Adjact contrast with factor = "factor" and mid = 100 by default can be changes 
blur(image, kernel_size) # blur image with given kernel size
apply_kernel(image, kernel) # Apply given kernel to the image
combine_image_in_one(image1, image2) # combine image by root sum square of pixel values

Youtube Link



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
