Definition: Real Time Recommender: Auto Track and Assignment

Team ID :FT - 191051

This is an app for OPPO FinTech Contest in IIT Bombay Techfest. Certain pre-requirements are there to run this app correctly:

  1. Active Location and Internet Connection

  2. All the permissions given duly as asked.

  3. User app is also required since the definition is divided into two apps which are UserApp which is to be used by client and DriverApp which is to be used by driver or the agent defined.

    Link to UserApp:

*** Steps to use ***

  1. Agent must define and declare the meeting points by selecting through the location slider. and enter the asked details.
  2. Can view requests through viewrequests tab which will be empty if no requests exist.
  3. Must accept the request in order to start the navigation.