Key Features
- User Roles: Supports three user roles—Admin, Customer, and Guest—with tailored functionalities for each.
- Admin Dashboard: Admins can manage makeup products, handle transactions, and view sales reports.
- Customer Experience: Customers can browse products, add items to the cart, and view transaction history.
- Guest Access: Guests can register and log in to access customer features.
Technologies Used
- Programming Languages: C#, HTML
- Framework: ASP.NET
- Database: Entity Framework with SQL Server
- Design Pattern: Domain Driven Design
- Version Control: Git, GitHub
Project Structure
- View Layer: Handles user interfaces and user commands.
- Controller Layer: Validates user input and delegates requests.
- Handler Layer: Manages business logic and queries the database.
- Repository Layer: Provides access to the database and manipulates data.
- Factory Layer: Encapsulates complex object creation.
- Model Layer: Represents business concepts and data.