====================== This application run as windows service, accesses regularly to external Java VM (hotsopt) which enabled Jmx and save heap usage in csv file.
Sorry for terrible English.
Open bat folder and execute bat/installService_amd64.bat when you use 64 bit Java VM or execute bat/installService_x86.bat when you use 32 bit Java VM.
After execute an batch, "JmxHeapWatchDog" service is created. Then start this service. If you failed to start up service and logged as '[error] Failed creating java ', you should try these procedure.
- Execute bat/uninstallService_amd64.bat or bat/uninstallService_x86.bat and un-install "JmxHeapWatchDog" service.
- Open installService_amd64.bat or installService_x86.bat using text editor and set JVM_PATH for full path name of jvm.dll. Read comments of batch file for detai.
- re-execute installService_amd64.bat or installService_x86.bat
Set These java properties when star Java VM (When you use port 17999 as Jmx port).
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=17999 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
If you use Apache Tomca, execute tomcatw.exe and set these parameters in "Java Options" on "Java" Tab.
Edit conf/jvms.xml file using text editor and modify settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JavaVMs interval="10" retry="5">
<jvmInfo name="javaVm1" host="localhost" port="17999"
<jvmInfo name="javaVm2" host="" port="27999"
- JavaVMs Tag, interval attribute: JmxHeapWatchDog's access interval time (second) to external Java VM.
- JavaVMs Tag retry attribute: max count of retry.
- jvmInfo Tag: multiple tags allowed.
- jvmInfo Tag, name attribute: used as prefix name of csv file.
- jvmInfo Tag, host attribute: host name of external Java VM.
- jvmInfo Tag, port attribute: Jmx port number of external Java VM.
- jvmInfo Tag, csv_path attribute: base path of output csv file.
Start JmxHeapWatchDog service.
Memory usage of external Java VM is output to csv file of bellow file name.
<name attribute of jvmInfo tag>_yyyy-MM-dd.csv
csv header list.
datetime: datetime of output.
Total Heap Space init: initial value of total heap space.
Total Heap Space used: used value of total heap space.
Total Heap Space committed: committed value of total heap space.
Total Heap Space max: max value of total heap space.
Total NonHeap Space init: initial value of total nonheap space.
Total NonHeap Space used: used value of total nonheap space.
Total NonHeap Space committed: committed value of total nonheap space.
Total NonHeap Space max: max value of total nonheap space.
pending Finalization Count: object count which under pending finalization.
PS Survivor Space init: initial value of survivor space.
PS Survivor Space used: used value of survivor space.
PS Survivor Space committed: committed value of survivor space.
PS Survivor Space max: max value of survivor space.
PS Eden Space init: initial value of eden space.
PS Eden Space used: used value of eden space.
PS Eden Space committed: committed value of eden space.
PS Eden Space max: max value of eden space.
PS Old Gen init: initial value of old generation space.
PS Old Gen used: used value of old generation space.
PS Old Gen committed: committed value of old generation space.
PS Old Gen max: max value of old generation space.
PS Perm Gen init: initial value of permanent generation space.
PS Perm Gen used: used value of permanent generation space.
PS Perm Gen committed: committed value of permanent generation space.
PS Perm Gen max: max value of permanent generation space.
Code Cache init: initial value of code cache.
Code Cache used: used value of code cache.
Code Cache committed: committed value of code cache.
Code Cache max: max value of code cache.
PS MarkSweep count: MarkSweep count of Garbage Collection.
PS MarkSweep collectionTime: total time of MarkSweep Garbage Collection.
PS Scavenge count: Scavenge count of Garbage Collection.
PS Scavenge collectionTime: total time of Scavenge Garbage Collection.
see detail about init/used/committed/max in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/api/java/lang/management/MemoryUsage.html
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 [Apache]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0