A library with UI and mechanisms to trim local videos on Android applications.
- adrien-aubelinvi Labs, Inc.
- aritraroy@gojek-engineering
- barbietunniebaosystems
- cevcev
- chriszeng87
- chuankris
- davinctorUkraine
- ersin-ertanWaterloo, Canada
- frank-fanUbiquiti
- G3rcar
- gouravdCayfay
- guicheffer@HelloFresh, @ReDI-Munich-Frontend and @fiinroad
- guzhaohui
- hocinehamdiSSENSE
- inferjayCompanyNotFoundException
- jerrychoi
- jp1017
- JungleLawShenzhen.China
- kalpanaChaurasiaSonata software
- madhackedWelcome Technologies
- MalikQasimAliNorway
- MarkMjwTencent
- morristech@ShopriteX
- NegreaVlad
- notHide
- r17171709Big Balloon
- radi-ratlh
- shaunidiot
- shihochanKankak, Inc.
- Swisynkleinanzeigen GmbH
- thanhbc
- vbauer@Yandex
- Volcanoscar
- wesjonConcrete
- YangShaoXiongHeBei China
- younes88