
Lua resty module to calculate AWS signature v4 authorization header

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Simple lua resty utilities to generate amazon v4 authorization and signature headers.


Openresty installation should be compiled with --with-luajit directive otherwise you will get an error,

module 'ffi' not found

Install the package using luarocks

#luarocks install lua-resty-aws-auth


local aws_auth = require "resty.aws-auth"
local config = {
  aws_host       = "email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
  aws_key        = "AKIDEXAMPLE",
  aws_secret     = "xxxsecret",
  aws_region     = "us-east-1",
  aws_service    = "ses",
  content_type   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  request_method = "POST",
  request_path   = "/",
  request_body   = { hello="world" } -- table of all request params

local aws = aws_auth:new(config)

-- get the generated authorization header
-- eg: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIDEXAMPLE/20150830/us-east-1/iam/aws4_request,
---    SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-amz-date, Signature=xxx
local auth = aws:get_authorization_header()

-- get the x-amz-date header
local amz_date = aws:get_amz_date_header()

Add Authorization and x-amz-date header to ngx.req.headers


Reference Signing AWS With Signature V4 AWS service namespaces list AWS region and endpoints