AMQP-based work queue.
npm i worque --save
Each task
= queue
Publishing message = loading single worker with task.
NOTE: one-by-one task processing is guaranteed only with RabbitMQ 3.3 and higher.
- simple project bootstrap
- task survives broker restarts
- task waits for worker (handler) if it's offline
- task can be scheduled (cron)
- task can be retried with flexible and easy-to-specify retry period configuration
- fluent and simple API
var client = require('worque')('amqp://localhost');
// global (all tasks) events
client.on('task', console.log); // fired before handler
client.on('result', console.log); // fired after handler
client.on('failure', console.error); // fired if handler fails
// define task 'logthis' and provide handler
client('logthis').subscribe(function (message) {
// start 'logthis' task with params
client('logthis').publish({ something: 42 });
// setup scheduled task
client('recurrent task runs each minute').subscribe(function () {
console.log('I run each minute');
}).schedule('0 * * * * *');
// will be retried (republished) 1 second after 1st failure
// 2 seconds after 2nd failure
// 3 seconds after 3d failure
client('retry 3 times if failed').subscribe(function (url) {
return doRequestAndSaveToFile(url);
}).retry(1, 2, 3).publish('');
process.on('SIGINT', function () {