Trybe Football Club REST API

Project developed during the studies of the Back-End module of Trybe's Full-Stack Web Development Course.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize
  • Docker
  • Jest
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Sinon


This REST API was developed as part of the Back-End module of Trybe's Web Development course, providing a comprehensive solution for managing soccer matches and championship standings. The API is built using Node.js, a powerful and efficient server-side JavaScript platform, and makes use of modern technologies such as Docker, MySQL, Sequelize ORM, Typescript, and follows POO and SOLID principles to ensure high quality and maintainable code. The front-end is provided by Trybe.

In addition, the API implements a secure authentication system using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), with the /login endpoint providing a POST method for logging in and returning a token that can be used to authenticate subsequent API requests.



  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint is used to authenticate users and return a token created with jsonwebtoken.

Validate Token

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint checks for a token in the headers and returns the user's role, whether administrator or not. The returned data will be in the format: {"role": "admin"}


  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint returns an array of matches and can be filtered by in-progress or finished matches. The returned data will be in the format:

        "id": 1,
        "homeTeamId": 16,
        "homeTeamGoals": 1,
        "awayTeamId": 8,
        "awayTeamGoals": 1,
        "inProgress": false,
        "homeTeam": {
          "teamName": "São Paulo"
        "awayTeam": {
          "teamName": "Gremio"
        "id": 2,
        "homeTeamId": 9,
        "homeTeamGoals": 1,
        "awayTeamId": 14,
        "awayTeamGoals": 1,
        "inProgress": false,
        "homeTeam": {
          "teamName": "Internacional"
        "awayTeam": {
          "teamName": "Santos"

Create a Match

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint creates a new soccer match based on the information provided in the request body. The request body must be in the following format:

      "homeTeamid": 1, 
      "awayTeamid": 2, 
      "homeTeamGoals": 3, 
      "awayTeamGoals": 1
  • Response

    The endpoint will return a JSON object with the following properties:

      "id": 1,
      "homeTeamid": 1, 
      "awayTeamid": 2, 
      "homeTeamGoals": 3, 
      "awayTeamGoals": 1

Update a Match

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint updates the information of a soccer match that is currently in progress. The match can only be updated if its inProgress property is set to true.

  • Response

    If the match is successfully updated, the API will return a JSON object similar to the following:

      "message": "updated"

Finish a Match

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint finishes a soccer match that is currently in progress. The match can only be finished if its inProgress property is set to true.

  • Response

    If the match is successfully finished, the API will return a JSON object similar to the following:

      "message": "Finished"

Get Teams

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint returns an array of objects representing all the soccer teams in the database.

  • Response

    The API will return a JSON array of objects, where each object represents a team. A example will look like this:

        "id": 1,
        "teamName": "Avaí/Kindermann"
        "id": 2,
        "teamName": "Bahia"
        "id": 3,
        "teamName": "Botafogo"
        "id": 4,
        "teamName": "Corinthians"
        "id": 5,
        "teamName": "Cruzeiro"

Get a Team

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint returns information for a specific soccer team, identified by its id.

  • Response

    The API will return a JSON object representing the requested team, with properties such as id and teamName. An example response may look like this:

      "id": 1,
      "teamName": "Avaí/Kindermann"

Get Championship Standings

  • URL


  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint returns the championship standings, including information about each team's performance in the tournament.

  • Response

    The API will return a JSON array of objects, where each object represents a team and its standings in the championship. The response will look like this:

        "name": "Palmeiras",
        "totalPoints": 13,
        "totalGames": 5,
        "totalVictories": 4,
        "totalDraws": 1,
        "totalLosses": 0,
        "goalsFavor": 17,
        "goalsOwn": 5,
        "goalsBalance": 12,
        "efficiency": "86.67"
        "name": "Corinthians",
        "totalPoints": 12,
        "totalGames": 5,
        "totalVictories": 4,
        "totalDraws": 0,
        "totalLosses": 1,
        "goalsFavor": 12,
        "goalsOwn": 3,
        "goalsBalance": 9,
        "efficiency": "80.00"

    Note: The teams are sorted primary by points, with other properties being used as tie-breakers if necessary.

Get Home or Away Championship Standings

  • URL

    /leaderboard/home or /leaderboard/away

  • Method


  • Description

    This endpoint returns the championship standings, filtered by whether the matches were played at home or away.

  • Response

    The API will return a JSON array of objects, where each object represents a team and its standings in the championship. The response will look the same way as the one from /leaderboard.

    Note: The teams are sorted primary by points, with other properties being used as tie-breakers if necessary. The only difference between /leaderboard/home and /leaderboard/away is the filter applied to the data, showing only matches played at home or away, respectively.

Running the Application Locally

  1. Clone the repository containing the application code:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the root of the repository:
cd trybe-football-club
  1. Install the required dependencies:
npm install
  1. Navigate to app/:
cd app/
  1. Initialize the Docker containers with docker-compose script:
npm run compose:up:dev
  1. The API should now be available at http://localhost:3001/ and the front-end at http://localhost:3000/


In conclusion, this REST API provides a comprehensive solution for managing soccer matches and championship standings. With its use of modern technologies such as Docker, MySQL, Sequelize, Typescript, NodeJS, and adherence to SOLID and POO principles, the API is well equipped to handle the demands of a large-scale soccer application.

Whether you are looking to retrieve information about matches and teams, or update the results of a match in progress, the API offers a range of endpoints to meet your needs. And with the ability to run the application locally or in a Docker container, the API is easy to set up and use for development or production purposes.

I hope this API serves as a valuable resource for your soccer data management needs.