Tag-based data exchange service

Primary LanguageMakefile

TAG-based data exchange service

Short Description

This project implements a Kernel module for the tag-based message exchange service. Conceptually it is a publish/subscribe system with a critical difference, there is no a central entity wich takes the message log and wich provides decoupling among readers and writers.

  • Readers follow a tag-level and wait untill a message arrives.
  • A writer sends a messsage and wakes up all awaiting threads,then wait delivery ends up. If nobody is waiting for a message, just drop it.
  • Awaker: conceptually acts as a writer but sends an awake notification instead of a message. This is repeated for every level of a tag.
  • Remover: Removes a tag when there are no more readers.

For more informations and implemntation details, please see the documentation provided in the "documentation" folder.


 * @description Create a new instance associated with the key or opens an existing one by using the key.
 * This function acts differently basing on the command and key combination.
 * @param key associated to a tag or IPC_PRIVATE
 * @param command Use IPC_CREAT to create a new tag instance associated to the corresponding key or to open an existing one.
 * If  IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL is specified and the tag instance associated to the key already exists an error is generated.
 * @param permissions 0 to grant all user access, > 0 if the access is restricted to the creator
 * @return a tag descriptor on success or an appropriate error code.
 * @errors
 * EINVAL: Invalid Arguments.\n
 * ENOMEM: Out of memory.\n
 * EEXIST: Tag already exists and IPC_EXCL is specified with IPC_CREAT.\n
 * EEAGAIN: Operation failed, but if you retry may success.\n
int tag_get(int key, int command, int permissions);

 * @description Send a message to the corresponding tag-level instance, awake all waiting threads then wait delivery ends up.
 * This function could be blocking and could be interrupted by a signal.
 * This service doesn't keep any message log; if nobody waits for the incoming message this is discarded.
 * @param tag tag descriptor
 * @param level message source level
 * @param buffer userspace buffer address
 * @param size buffer lenght, empty messages are anyhow allowed.
 * @return 0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise
 * @errors
 * EINVAL: Invalid Arguments.\n
 * ENOMEM: Out of memory.\n
 * ENOENT: Tag doesn't exist.\n
 * EINTR: Stopped, interrupt occured.\n
 * EPERM: Operation not permited.\n
 * EFAULT: Message delivery fault.\n
int tag_send(int tag, int level, char *buffer, size_t size);

 * @description This operation blocks the caller untill an incoming message arrives from the corresponding tag-level instance.
 * The caller could be unlocked even if a signal arrives or another thread calls tag_clt with the AWAKE_ALL command.
 * @param tag tag descriptor
 * @param level message source level
 * @param buffer userspace buffer address
 * @param size buffer lenght
 * @return bytes copied on success, appropriate error code otherwise.
 * @errors
 * EINVAL: Invalid Arguments.\n
 * ENOBUFS: Not enough buffer space available.\n
 * ENOENT: Tag doesn't exist.\n
 * EINTR: Stopped, interrupt occured.\n
 * EPERM: Operation not permitted.\n
 * EFAULT: Message recovery fault.\n
 * ECANCELED: Operation canceled because of AWAKE notification.\n
int tag_receive(int tag, int level, char *buffer, size_t size);

 * @description This operation control a tag instance by awakening operation or the by removing operation.
 * This function acts differently basing on the command and key combination.
 * @param tag tag descriptor
 * @param command use IPC_RMID command to remove a tag instance, this will fail if there are readers waiting for a message on the corresponding tag.
 * IPC_RMID command can be combinating with IPC_NOWAIT command to have a nonblocking behavior.
 * Use the AWAKE_ALL command to wake up all thread waiting for a message on the corresponding tag indipendently of the level.
 * @return non-negative value on success, negative on failure and errno is set to the correct error code.
 * @errors
 * EINVAL: Invalid Arguments.\n
 * EBUSY: Resource busy.\n
 * ENOENT: Tag doesn't exist.\n
 * EINTR: Stopped, interrupt occured.\n
 * EPERM: Operation not permited.\n
int tag_ctl(int tag, int command);


  1. Use install.sh to compile and insert the module.
  2. Use ~cat /dev/mydev to open and read the device file.
  3. Use uninstall.sh to completely uninstall the service.

install.sh and uninstall.sh require root privileges.


In the "user" folder some examples are provided. Basically the tag_lib.h header exposes the system calls, be carefull system call numers must be adapted to the current installation by using the information printed by the install.sh script.

Required Kernel verison >= 4.20; Tested on 5.11.0-27-generic

Development Environment

CLion was used to develop the entire project. To have a better experience use this Tool if you want to read the code provided.