Use Dynamic Type font with custom font easily with UIKit or SwiftUI.
If your min target version is >= iOS 14, do not use this package. Use instead :
.font(.custom("Georgia", size: 24, relativeTo: .headline))
Start by importing the package
import SKScaledFont
Each plist define the font and size to use with one or more UIFont.TextStyle
If a TextStyle is not defined, it will fallback on UIFont.preferredFont
with specified UIFont.TextStyle
In a Style1.plist
file, add an entry for every UIFont.TextStyle
you want to use.
Here is the list of all styles:
Plist key | UIFont.TextStyle |
UICTFontTextStyleTitle0 | .largeTitle |
UICTFontTextStyleTitle1 | .title1 |
UICTFontTextStyleTitle2 | .title2 |
UICTFontTextStyleTitle3 | .title3 |
UICTFontTextStyleHeadline | .headline |
UICTFontTextStyleSubhead | .subheadline |
UICTFontTextStyleBody | .body |
UICTFontTextStyleCallout | .callout |
UICTFontTextStyleFootnote | .footnote |
UICTFontTextStyleCaption1 | .caption1 |
UICTFontTextStyleCaption2 | .caption2 |
extension SKScaledFontStyle {
var style1: String { "style1" }
var skScaledFont: String { "skScaledFontStyle" }
The string value must match a plist file in project, otherwise it will fallback on preferred font.
Text("Large title").scaledFont(skStyle: \.style1, style: .title1)
Text("Large title").scaledFont(skStyle: \.skScaledFont, style: .largeTitle)
let style1 = SKScaledFont(style: \.style1)
largeTitle.font = style1.font(forTextStyle: .largeTitle)
largeTitle.adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory = true
You can also subclass to define one class per style, you will avoid redundant code.
SKScaledFont provide a way to define text styles for every screen size. Just define a new plist named Style1-568h.plist
to handle iPhone 5/5S/SE.
The plist name follow the following format: Style1-deviceHeighth.plist
. Some example:
iOS version >= 11.0
[] Scaling font without SKScaledFontStyle [] Add logger to print font size request and the new font size scaled