
Sublime Text Plug-in for formatting code or text on selections or files via any cli formatter you wish

Primary LanguagePython

Format Code for Sublime Text

Format or prettify code and text in selections or files(saved or not) with any command line tool you wish.


  • format on save (can be toggled)
  • file save without formatting
  • format selections by creating a temporal file (on the same folder as the file being formatted so formatting options in config files are respected)
  • format unsaved files by creating a temporal file (on your os temp folder)
  • could guess the file type by syntax in case the extension isn't obvious (ex .prettierrc == json)
  • it does not modify code if changed since the time we started formatting
  • it does not modify code if the result is the same (no undo trashing)
  • ignore files via binary_file_patterns (it does not check for pattern only for substring)


Support for languages must be installed by the user because you can use any formatting tool you wish if they provide a command line tool. Some examples:

js, json, jsx, php, css

npm install -g prettier


npm install -g js-beautify


pip install black


npm install -g pretty-xml

Adding/modify Support For Languages

You install the command line tool you want to use and be sure is on path

Then you just, copy from

Preferences > Package Settings > Format > Settings - Default

and paste modified/added formatters in

Preferences > Package Settings > Format > Settings - User

The configuration is very straightforward, Stdout option is about giving the formatter stdin and taking stdout.


CTRL+SHIFT+P, then type: Format Code




To ignore a file add it to the binary_file_patterns of sublime settings