
Ansible role to deploy one-password cli tool

One Password CLI deployment

A simple ansible role to deploy one-password cli manager on many platforms

It supports deployment for the following platform:

  • amd64: For x86_64 bits processor
  • arm for raspberry Pi3
  • arm64 for raspberry Pi4


ansible-galaxy collection install titom73.op_deployment


System must have following binaries:

  • wget
  • unzip

Role Variables

Role comes with many different variables with default value:

# Configure role to install or remove op binary
op_deployment_state: present

# Should we force binary update or ignore if binary is already installed
op_deployment_force_update: true

# Target platform (arm/arm64/amd64)
op_deployment_platform: amd64

# one-password cli version to install
op_deployment_version: 'v2.7.2'

Also, you can modify installation path:

# Name of the binary to install
op_deployment_bin: 'op'

# Path where to install binary
op_deployment_installation_path: '/usr/local/sbin/'

# Full binary path
op_deployment_bin_path: '{{ op_deployment_installation_path }}/{{ op_deployment_bin }}'

# Path to temporary filesystem
op_deplyment_tmp: /tmp



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- name: Install One Password CLI manager
  hosts: linux_machines
  gather_facts: true
  become: true

    - name: Install ONE Password CLI
      tags: [password]
        name: roles/one-password-deploy
        op_deployment_platform: 'arm'
        op_deployment_version: 'v2.7.1'



Author Information

This role was created in 2022 by Thomas Grimonet